PROFESSOR GISELLE BYRNES - Assistant Vice-Chancellor, Research, Academic and Enterprise
Welcome to the inaugural issue of Massey University’s research publication, Rangahau: Research at Massey. We have chosen this title carefully. As a verb, ‘rangahau’ means ‘to search and seek out’; as a noun, it refers to the act of researching.
These 30 articles demonstrate the breadth of ongoing and recently completed research across Massey University, drawing attention to our diverse portfolio and the quality and ingenuity of our world-leading researchers. Profiling up-and-coming scholars as well as more established researchers, these stories represent just a snapshot of the vibrant research here at Massey.
As a verb, rangahau means to search and seek out; as a noun, it refers directly to the act of researching. We thought this an appropriate name for this showcase of the University’s research as it directly speaks to Massey’s core research purpose of producing engaged, connected and relevant research with high impact and strong social value.
Our research endeavours are driven by world-class standards in research excellence, sustained academic leadership and strong community engagement.
We support blue-sky research and research that contributes to solving the big problems confronting our society.
Our researchers are also engaged in projects that speak to the University’s mission as a public institution tasked with delivering public-good outcomes. This means we place a high value on the translatability of our research findings, ensuring our research speaks to our strategic goals to align our research efforts with recognition and reach, place and purpose.
Above all, we strive to create the conditions for entrepreneurial practices that will drive knowledge transfer and add value to New Zealand’s social, economic and cultural wellbeing.
Massey celebrates and supports intellectual creativity and academic innovation to ensure effective and purposeful knowledge transmission and we commit to continue pursuing this vision.
Rangahau articles and photographs are copyrighted to Massey University Press. The articles were written by Anna Dickson, Katherine Huynh and Judith Lacy. The photographs were taken by Mary Faber, Anne Noble, Jane Ussher, Sally Young and Kristine Zipfel.