In the future questions can be answered (but not today)


The coaches have made their choices, the plane and hotels are booked, the oppositions scrutinized and the play sheets devised, learnt and eaten for breakfast.  The pundits are weighing the odds, the analysts are comparing numbers, the families have crossed their fingers Will we win,  everyone is asking? Sounds a bit like sheep dairying to me.

In the last couple of weeks I’ve  been taking  calls and  emails  from people keen to invest in sheep dairying. There was John from Auckland who had his eye on a sheep and beef   farm in Northland  as a potential  conversion. And a couple from the Wairarapa thinking of dropping the ‘b’ on their small Fonterra-supply bovine operation.  And we’re working  with three groups of final year Massey Agri-Science students on a sheep milk ‘scale up’ project. The students have to come up with a plan  that would  move a  part-time 100-ewe sheep milking operation in the Hawkes Bay to something  that  would produced a $100k a year income for the family involved. Easy right? Not so much.

John was ringing because ‘the boss’, aka his wife, wanted to know if  his proposed  $2m spend-up  would stop her buying a new coat for next winter or not. He was joking (kinda).  But the boss had a point. What kind of return was possible from milking sheep?   The Wairarapaians wanted us to send them a  spreadsheet with an answer to that same question:

‘Are you able to provide us with some information re milking sheep, stocking rates, production, feed             inputs, cost of stock, share price if applicable etc. We are just looking to see if the numbers stack up             at this stage.’

One of the student groups is going in this direction –  doing a (very worthy) farm budget. Another  is doing  a SWOT analysis, and the third, interestingly, is  doing an ownership analysis. This is  encouraging – different forms of analysis (there’s not enough of it and there’s certainly not enough of it in dairy – with or without a ‘b’) asking different questions driven by different assumptions  and different desires.

I’m not trying to pour cold water on people  asking the  good and proper numerical question about sheep dairying:  ‘what kind of returns can we expect if we  invest, convert or scale up’,  is an essential question. But I worry that the answer to this question, the magic number question   (is it 5, 10, 15 or 20 percent) is not the answer those asking are  looking for. Do they really want to know the answer to that question , because the short answer to the numerical question is  there is  no short  answer – which may be exactually what some, such as the ‘boss’,  wanted to hear.

Of course there are numbers and if we just look on-farm then they are pretty disappinting.  If we assume  $2 a litre and 20 percent solids then we are only looking at $10 kg/ms. At  a 200 day lactation and just on a litre a day per ewe, then, you might as well go back to meat and wool or  keep the money in the bank (see Lucy Griffith’s financials in her Nuffield Report ‘A Business Plan for the NZ Sheep Dairy Industry). And that’s about where we are at on average at least. And add to that  the rather fringe nature and uncertainty  of  local and international markets for sheep milk  products and even  investing in the Chinese share market start to look like a half way sensible idea. But in asking that question only, we are looking in the wrong direction.

What those in the industry are doing (and have been doing  – Kingsmeade particularly)  is building positions in markets beyond the farm gate ( and not waiting for that market to emerge already formed). And they are looking beyond income to assets and in most cases forward to the next  generations – even with Landcorp and SLC.  Now Landcorp’s partner SLC  will want to cash out some years down the track with a very good return on the cash they have committed. And Landcorp itself will be looking to show  the Minister of Finance  a commercial return from the  Wairekei pastoral site long before it  goes back to the owners. Sheep dairying may well be  the acclaimed  feature of that plan (an asset in other words). And if we look  into the Wairekei Pastoral site,  you see intergenerational family business at its core (an intergenerational nest egg). Go around  Spring Sheep Dairy and you get to the  Gunsons and the  Kings and the Clairmonts and perhaps even the Neylons and of course the Konuis of  Waituhi Kuratau Trust. You realize that they are not really in based on the numbers. They are  in for the  position, for the assets and  for their  ‘team’ .

They’ve  made their choices, done their sums, scrutinized their operations and their oppositions and  devising their ‘play sheets’. They don’t have the hopes of a nation on their shoulders,  but they do feel past and future generations looking over their shoulders.So when we ask questions about ‘the numbers’, let’s be clear why are we actually asking. There are some questions that can only really be answered in the future and  ‘will we win’ is one of them.

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Land, labour, love and institutional battles

2015-08-23 16.29.59

A piece of land for some is never just dirt,  money and dead labour. As the dairy crisis deepens and the academics,  consultants and  journalists rush forward to offer some sweetly massaged messaging they will inevitable be required to forget the institutional forms that power  them, and the wider and deeper struggle between such forms  in which they are embedded. In the case of ‘big  dairy’ this is between finance capital and the patriarchal family (and its ally the cooperative). This is a  struggle that’s been going on, around Eltham, Taranaki (picture) for awhile and famously since Chew Chong built his factories and then went bust (1).

So are we looking at  a  long goodbye to Fonterra? Organizations are but the working machinery of the dominant institutional form,  and the uneasy  alliance between what we might call the patriarchal family cooperative and managerial class increasingly doing the bidding of finance capital is a fascinating one. Currently, I think the best the family-cooperative could look to do is see off  Fonterra’s  Auckland-based NZX- schmoozing managerial cadre. What the family-cooperative wants is not  managers in glass offices in  Auckland lunching with stock brokers and investment company bosses, but sales manager on the ground in Seoul, Shanghai, Dubai, and Caracas. 

At what point did  Fonterra’s Auckland set  become the carriers of the desires of the institutional form of finance capital? Sometime during the mid 2000s. So they have ten years of unravelling to do and they are  very unlikely to hand control back to the  family cooperative  given the reputational credits they have uplifted from their  Auckland peers  – as the supposed leaders of the country’s largest company.  So they will fight.   The withdrawal of volume from the global dairy auction last week so as to push the price up by 15 percent is a neat first shot  (so clever and yet such an obvious ploy).

But the reputations that leaders chase are fantasies, or built around fantasy (which is what institutional forms offer and provide).We are never  leaders. We are carriers, and combatants on behalf of  particular institutional arrangements, whose depth and historicity is both hidden and surprising. There are  particular local hybrid forms of course, but institutional forms pay homage to deep historical  rivers of action and practices. The family-cooperative  is ultimately an alliance built around the struggle  and long demise of aristocratic  feudalism. Capitalism, as the desires of an accumulating patriarch, as Rob Bryer  (2) and others have shown,  emerges in the form of owner-operator UK farmer whose descendant is the  Pakeha farmer-settler of mid to late 19th Century NZ. It’s hard to believe that the humble family farmer doing his stock reconciliations was the historic progenitor of industrial capitalism. The family-cooperative,  which takes the organizational form of a Fonterra in our case, is however  a hybrid of this original form with some of the tensions from this birth on-board. Particularly when it  confronts ‘money’  (in NZX, investment companies and  Australian banks in our case).

So what then of Sheep Dairying as we watch the bovine battle unfold? Things could go either way. The dominant organizational form will point to the acquisitive institution that is  guiding action. Will sheep dairying be a group of cooperating family  farmers,   multiplied by a factor of 10 perhaps collectively selling their products off shore? Possibly? Or will it be a group of  finance capital-led entities cooperating only  to the point that they agree not don’t fight each other in the same market (or at least until such entities might centralized).   Hard to say at this point.

And what then of industry associations and cross-business collectivities of one sort or another? What is their  role in this drama? Surely they are  just the handmaidens of the ‘coming to dominant’ institutional form?  It is worth asking for which institutional form they are doing the  bidding? Which  ‘fantasy canopy’  or imaginary ‘night sky’, are they painting? Whose future are they imagining? Which past are they narrating,  through which rituals with what emotional effect?   Institutions! You cannot but  love these  seductive and secretive  arrangements.  But which one are we loving most?

(1) Chew Chong biography

(2). The Genesis of the capitalist farmer ‘


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National Fieldays_sheepdairy

National Fieldays 2015  was a fascinating first outing for Sheep Dairying.This year we were part of the Massey stand (PE50) and thus went with  Massey’s ‘More Productive Sheep’ and FoodHQ backdrop. A photo of the site (with out the crowds that thronged through) is below. With that said  I think Sheep Dairying was the star of this ‘show’ due to our  engagement tactic of  giving away about 35 kg of sheep milk yoghurt, 4 kgs of sheep milk toffee and 5kgs of sheep milk paneer cheese  (with a curry sauce). All three foods were  produced by  Riddet Institute and Massey’s School of Food and Nutrition students working with Abby Thompson (Riddet) and Alistair Carr (IFN). As a backdrop to this discussion we also with ran a short video. A copy of this is also below.

We  also gave away about 180  copies of the Countrywide magazine special section on sheep dairying,  spoke to dozens of people about setting up  sheep milking operations,  met many of our industry colleagues who stopped by to swap news and discuss current challenges  (including Peter Gatley, Jake Chardon, Steve Carden, Andrew Sherman  and John Ryrie, who on Friday stepped off a plane ready to start his new job). In a couple of cases we seem to have helped people find jobs in the industry and we also had some very interesting discussions with people who were in sheep dairying back in the 1990s.

If I were  to volunteer a couple of choice moments from four days of talking flat out about sheep dairying they would be meeting Ruby Mulinder (recently of Landcorp and a Massey Alumnus) and her husband who are planning to become sheep milk producers in the future but in the meantime are heading off to the UK for him to play rugby and for her to find work in the UK sheep dairy industry. These are two very engaging, passionate and smart young people whom I hope we can help get a start in the industry when they return. And the other  choice moment  is sitting with Sally Burnett and talking through some options for the  truly unique sheep milking business she and her daughter are looking to develop in the South Waikato.

Of course its very difficult to tell just how successful a few days of  talking with hundreds  of people about sheep dairying might have been. Our target was to put the option in front of as many farmers as possible, to help the public that stopped by to get a taste of sheep milk products and generally to carve out a space in what is a truly stunning event (thanks to National Fieldays for sponsoring out site this time around!) .   I hope  we’ve made an impact. The feedback from those we talked to was encouraging,  but the proof will come when these same people make a start in the industry or, come to regularly buy our sheep dairy goodies currently available or arriving soon.

Next year we’ll have our own stand,  outside probably,  and we will, I hope,   run some kind of milking demo as well as seminars, workshops and be able to offer space for people to meet, engage and  discuss things with a huge group of industry members. Of course it is a bit of an ask to have milking ewes onsite in June, and this explains the very small numbers of animals at Fieldays( a few highland cattle and few sheep on the Pratley stand, as far as I could tell), but such a demo would certainly allow us to stand out from the rest of the exhibitor flock.

Thanks to all the  team for helping out. We were:  Sam Peterson (Massey IVABS), Lucy Griffiths (Consultant and Nuffield Scholar), Linda Samuelsson (AgResearch, Sheep dairy  Project team leader), Grace Powell  (Food Technology student and creator of the sheep milk paneer), Bob Longhurst (AgResearch), Natalie Watkins (AgResearch),  Marita Broadhurst (AgResearch), Sandra and Dave Ray (Waikanae Sheep dairy Farmers),   James Clairmont (Waiheke Cheeses) and Craig Prichard (School of Management, Massey Business School).

masseystandat fieldays

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Ewe Milk Products and Sheep Dairying Conference plans nearly complete


We are slowly locking all the bits and bobs of the NZ Ewe Milk Products and Sheep Dairying Conference  ‘jigsaw’ into place. Lots and lots to do in the New Year but great progress over the last couple of weeks.

Good news items (in no particular order):

  • Our honorary guests, Keith Neylon(Blue River Dairy) Bill Konui (Waituhi Kuratau Trust) and Janet and Miles King (Kingsmeade Cheese), are enthusiastic and keen to contribute  to the proceedings alongside our keynotes from John Ryrie and Lucy Cruickshank.
  • Workshop chairs have been identified, requests from contributions from key people are  locked in (with more to come) and we have a good bevy of registrations (to register click here).
  • The Riddett Institute has joined our awesome group of supporting organisations and will be running an extension of its sheep milk ice-cream and yoghurt tasting research during the conference.
  • Our caterer, Massey’s  Wharerata, is ‘having a play’ with some sheep milk as they plan our Ewe Milk Products conference menu.

To register for the  conference please CLICK HERE . To signal a contribution please CLICK HERE

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A look inside big scale Ewe Dairying – Waituhi-Kuratau Trust (Taupo)

The Maori TV programme ‘Kai Time on the Road’ did a fantastic job recently of profiling the Waituhi Kuratau Trust’s 3000 head Sheep Dairy operation.  Particularly it introduces the trust’s ‘Hipi’ yoghurt and showed  their sheep milk freezing operation (they sell  to cheese makers around the country and off shore). Here’s the link (or click the picture below) and to see the milking and freezing operation scroll through the video to 12minutes 26 seconds:

sheep milk freezing



Here’s William talking about WKT’s sheep milking operation  with National Radio.

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