Print material from Stream, Moodle 2 update

July 9, 2012

Print material for S2

In preparation for the second semester three new blocks have been added to the Stream myCourses page. These blocks provide information to distance, internal and block mode students about how they can request printed material available in Stream environments.  In the case of distance and block mode students the print resources block (Fig 1) contains a link to a webpage ( with a form that these students can use to request print material.

Fig 1

The block for internal students (Fig 2) contains a link to a webpage ( that provides them with a list of papers that have printed content available at the Student Notes Distribution Centres as well as an email address that they can use to request material be printed.

Fig 2

The blocks appear on the right hand side of the myCourses page (see Fig 3 for an example) which is the first page students see when they login to Stream.  Note the blocks will not appear to staff using their staff login.

Fig 3

Moodle 2 update

The new version of Moodle has gone live with the trial group of students.  The next phase of the Moodle 2 migration is to convert all Summer School offerings to the new version over the course of the next month.  Staff affected by this move will be emailed to clarify which, if any, offering they want the Summer School version to be based on and how to access the support resources (online and from the Centres for Teaching and Learning).  A dedicated Moodle 2 migration website is available from  The Project News section of the site provides regular updates (~6 weekly) on the project including functionality found in the new version.  The website will also include videos outlining some of the differences between versions and links to official Moodle documents.


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