The following is a list of presentations from our team. Some have links to recorded sessions.
- Muthuraman, S., Flint, S., Palmer J. (2024) Pseudomonas biofilms – a threat to aerobically chilled foods. NZIFST Conference, Hamilton.
- Pant, K., Palmer J., Flint, S. (2024) Friendly interactions and sanitizer resistance in multispecies biofilm. NZIFST Conference, Hamilton.
- Daud, I., Rashid, K., Palmer J., Flint, S. (2024) Application of lemongrass nanoemulsion on Bacillus cereus in different food systems. NZIFST Conference, Hamilton,
- Flint, S. (2024) Biofilm bacteria adapted to the diry industry and nanobubble control. Dairy Australia Webinar, May 2024.
- Flint, S. (2024) A near death experience for Fonterra – The Botulism Crisis. Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology Food Microbiology Conference, Melbourne.
- Mini-conference, Massey University, Palmerston North, 30th November (2023)
- Abdul Halim Farawhida, Palmer, J., Flint, S. (2023) A fungi with health benefits: Potential to optimize pigment production to control citrinin levels during fermentation of red fermented rice. NZMS conference, Auckland
- Team Presentation Day, 13th July 2023
- Abdul Halim Farawhida, Palmer, J., Flint, S. (2023) Changes in citrinin, pigments and pH during incubation of Monascus spp. on Coconut Cream Agar. NZIFST conference, Dunedin.
5. Abdul Halim Farawahida, Palmer, J., Flint, S. (2022) Characterization of fungal growth of Monascus spp. isolates on coconut cream agar and citrinin production. NZIFST conference, Rotorua.
6. Flint, S., (2022) Milk minerals matter (part 2) Microbiologically. Dairy Australia.
7. Flint, S., (2022) Rethinking/reimagining food systems, food supply chain vulnerability in terms of dairy. South African Society for dairy Technology Conference.
8. Flint, S. (2021) Whole genome sequencing and its potential for dairy processing. Dairy Australia, March, 2021.
9. Flint, S (2021) Biofilm formation and control in the Dairy Industry. Asia-Pacific Biofilm Conference, 3rd International Conference.
10. Chalke, S., Vidovic, S., Palmer, J., Flint, S., Fletcher, G., (2021) The influence of cations on biofilm formation of Listeria monocytogenes in the seafood industry. NZIFST Conference, 6-8 July,Palmerston North
11. Huang, Y., S. Flint, J. Palmer (2021) Bacillus cereus biofilms: a reservoir of food safety issues. NZIFST Conference, 6-8 July, Palmerston North
12. Farawahida, A. H., Flint, S., Palmer, J. Manan, M. A. (2021) A simple rapid method using Coconut Cream Agar to screen citrinin producers of Monascus spp. NZIFST Conference, 6-8 July, Palmerston North
13. Flint, S. (2021) New Food Technologies, NZIEH, On Line. March.
14. Flint, S. (2021) Fermented Foods. Royal Society of NZ, Hawkes Bay Branch, 1st July 2021
15. Flint, S. (2021) Dairy Biofilms. 7th International Symposium of Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality, China. 26th July 2021
16. Flint, S. (2021) Rethinking/Reimagining food systems. Food Supply Chain Vulnerability in terms of Dairy. SSAAFoST, Durban (On-Line) September 2021.
17. Flint, S. (2021) Viable Non cultureable bacteria and their importance to the dairy industry. Dairy Australia, September 2021.
18. Flint, S. (2021) A big job in a small world – from Veterinary to Food Micriobiology, industry to academia. NZMS oration 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Ocean Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (on-line)
19. Abdul Halm Farawahida, Steve Flint, Jon Palmer, Musaalbakri Abdul Manan (2021) Simple and rapid method to screen citrinin producers of Monascus spp. by using Coconut Cream Agar. 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Ocean Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (on-line poster)
20. Huang, Y., Palmer, S., Flint. S (2021) The haemolytic enterotoxin expression and production in biofilms compared to planktonic cells of Bacillus cereus. 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Ocean Biochemists and Molecular Biologists (0n-line)
21. Nguyen, T., Palmer, J., Pedley, J., Keener, K., Flint, S. (2021). Degradation of Aflatoxin M1 by cold plasma. 16th Congress of the Federation of Asian and Ocean Biochemists and Molecular Biologists