
The following is our list of publications for 2021-2025:

Muthuraman, S., Flint, S., Palmer, J. (2025) Characterization of the Extracellular Polymeric Substances Matrix of Pseudomonas biofilms formed at the Air-Liquid Interface. Food Bioscience, 64,

Pant, K., Palmer, J., Flint S. (2025 Evaluation of Single and Mulitspecies Biofilm formed in the Static and Continuous Systems. International Journal of Food Microbilogy, 429,

Nguyen, T., Palmer J., Pedley, J., Petcu, M., Newson, H. L, Keener, K., Flint, S. (2025) The effect of variations in cold plasma conditions on the detoxification of Aflatoxin M1 and degradation products. International Dairy Journal, 160,

Turner, M. S.,Craven, H. M., Flint, S. H. (2024) Microbiological methods for dairy products. APHA Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, Chpt 11, 18th Edition, APHA press.

Lindsay, D., Flint, S. H., Venter, P., Kornacki, J. L. (2024) Microbiological tests for air, water, containers equipment and the dairy-processing environment. APHA Standard methods for the examination of dairy products, Chpt 14. 18th Edition. APHA press.

Fitry, F., Pramularsih, I., Kyere, E., Lindsay, D., Abernethy, G., Liang, S., Flint, S. (2024) Addition of selected cereal grains as non-dairy ingreidnets to dairy products: A microbiological risk assessment approach. Food Control, 162, 110426.

Nam, Y., Barnebey, A., Kim, H. K., Yannone, S. M., & Flint, S. (2023). Novel hyperthermoacidic archaeal enzymes for removal of thermophilic biofilms from stainless steel. J Appl Microbiol, 134(6). doi:10.1093/jambio/lxad106

Fraccascia, D., Chanyi, R. M., Altermann, E., Roy, N. C., Flint, S. H., & McNabb, W. C. (2023). Complete Genome Sequences of Eight Faecalibacterium sp. Strains Isolated from Healthy Human Stool. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 12(1). doi:10.1128/mra.00824-22

Phan, N. L. B., Nguyen, T., Pedley, J., Flint, S. (2023) Inactivation of Cronobacter sakazakii biofilms using high voltage atmospheric cold plasma on various food-contact surfaces – a preliminary study. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 76, 1-7  

Pahalagedara, A. S. N., W., Flint, S. H., Palmer, J. Brightwell, G., Luo, X., Li, L., Gupta, T. B. (2023) Non-targeted metabolomic profiling identifies metabolites with potential antimicrobial activity from an anaerobic bacterium closely related to Terrisporobacter species. Metabolites, 13, 252,

Wang. D. Fletcher, G. C., Gagic, D., On, S. L. W., Palmer, J. S., Flint, S. H. (2023) Comparative genomic identification of accessory genes associated with strong biofilm formation in Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Food Research International, 166, 112605

Wang, D., Fletcher, G. C., On, S. L. W., Palmer, J. S., Dragana, G., Flint, S. H. (2023) Biofilm formation, sodium hypochlorite susceptibility and genetic diversity of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 385,

Chalke, S., Vidovic, S., Fletcher, G. C., Palmer, J., Flint, S. (2022) Differential effects of magnesium, calcium and sodium on Listeria monocytogenes biofilm formation. Biofouling.

Pramularsih, I., Kyere, E. O., Zain, S. N. Md, Flint, S. (2022) Testing for total bacteria in dairy powder – Comparison of test incubation temperatures (a case study). International Dairy Journal, 134,

Sadiq, F. A., Hansen, M. F., Burmolle, M., Heyndrickx, M., Flint, S., Lu, W., Chen, W., Zhang, H. (2022) Trans-kingdom interactions in mixed biofilm communities.FEMS, Microbiology Reviews.

Farawahida, A. H., Palmer, J., Flint, S. (2022) Monascus spp. and citrinin: Identification, selection of Monascus spp. isolates, occurrence, detection and reduction of citrinin during the fermentation of red fermented rice. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 379,

Nguyen, T., Palmer, J., Loo, T., Shilton, A., Petcu, M., Newson, H. L., & Flint, S. (2022). Investigation of UV light treatment (254 nm) on the reduction of aflatoxin M1 in skim milk and degradation products after treatment.. Food Chem, 390, 133165. doi:10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133165

Farawahida, A. H., Palmer, J., & Flint, S. (2022). Coconut Cream Agar as a simple and rapid semiquantitative method to screen citrinin-producing Monascus spp. isolates isolated from red fermented rice.. J Microbiol Methods, 199, 106523. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2022.106523

Sadiq, F. A., Hansen, M. F., Burmølle, M., Heyndrickx, M., Flint, S., Lu, W., . . . Zhang, H. (2022). Towards understanding mechanisms and functional consequences of bacterial interactions with members of various kingdoms in complex biofilms that abound in nature.. FEMS Microbiol Rev. doi:10.1093/femsre/fuac024

Naila, A., Julika, W. N., Hannan, N. A., Flint, S., Sulaiman, A. Z., Mohamed, A., Ajit, A. (2022) Microbiological and physiochemical quality of honey imported into the Maldives. ASC Food Science and Technology, 

Nguyen, T., Palmer, J., Phan, N., Shi, H., Keener, K., Flint, S. (2022) Control of aflatoxin M1 in skim milk by high voltage atmospheric cold plasma. Food Chemistry, 386 132814,

Pahalagedara, A. S. N. W., Flint, S., Palmer, J., Brightwell, G., Gupta, T. B. (2022) Antibacterial efficacy and possible mechanism of action of 2-hydroxyisocaproic acid (HICA). PLOS ONE, 17, (4) htps://

Wang, D., Flint, S. H., Palmer, J. S., Gagic, D. Fletcher, G.C., On, S.L.W. (2022) Global expansion of Vibrio parahaemolyticus threatens the seafood industry: Perspective on controlling its biofilm formation. LWT., Food Science and Technology, 158,

Wang, T., Flint, S., Palmer, J. (2022) Inhibition of biofilm formation of Geobacillus stearothermophilus in calcium-reduced milk protein formulation is associated with calcium, sodium and bacteria growth history: A preliminary study. International dairy Journal, 125,

Flint, S., Bremer, P., Brooks, J., Palmer, J., Burgess, S., Seale, B. (2022) Bioflim formation and control in the dairy industry. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 3rd Edition, 87-94.

Huang, Y., Flint, S. H., Loo, T. S., Palmer J. S. (2022) Emetic toxin production of Bacillus cereus in a biofilm. LWT, Food Science and Technology, 154.

Pahalagedara, A. S. N. W., Jauregui, R., Maclean, P., Altermann, E., Flint, S., Palmer, J., Brightwell, G., Gupta, T. B. (2021). Culture and genome-based analysis of four soil Clostridium isolates reveal their potential for antimicrobial production. BMC Genomics 22686.

Huang, Y., Flint, S. H., & Palmer, J. S. (2021). The heat resistance of spores from biofilms of Bacillus cereus grown in tryptic soy broth and milk. International Dairy Journal, 123. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105169

Sadiq, F. A., & Flint, S. (2021). Dairy strains of Anoxybacillus flavithermus inhibit lipase production by Geobacillus stearothermophilus. International Dairy Journal, 119. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.104996

Sadiq, F. A., Wenwei, L., Heyndrickx, M., Flint, S., Wei, C., Jianxin, Z., & Zhang, H. (2021). Synergistic interactions prevail in multispecies biofilms formed by the human gut microbiota on mucin.. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 97(8). doi:10.1093/femsec/fiab096

Kyere, E. O., Popovich, D. G., Palmer, J., Wargent, J. J., Fletcher, G. C., & Flint, S. (2021). Reduction of the attachment, survival and growth of L. monocytogenes on lettuce leaves by UV-C stress. LWT, 145. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2021.111528

Wang, T., Flint, S., & Palmer, J. (2021). Heterogeneous response of Geobacillus stearothermophilus biofilms to calcium. International Dairy Journal, 116. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2020.104961

Kumar, M., Flint, S., Palmer, J., & Plieger, P. (2021). A comparison of the spore heat resistance of dairy isolates of Geobacillus stearothermophilus obtained using a CDC biofilm reactor and a sporulating medium. International Dairy Journal, 116. doi:10.1016/j.idairyj.2021.105000

Nowak, J., Visnovsky, S. B., Pitman, A. R., Cruz, C. D., Palmer, J., Fletcher, G. C., & Flint, S. (2021). Biofilm Formation by Listeria monocytogenes 15G01, a Persistent Isolate from a Seafood-Processing Plant, Is Influenced by Inactivation of Multiple Genes Belonging to Different Functional Groups.. Appl Environ Microbiol, 87(10). doi:10.1128/AEM.02349-20

Huang, Y., Flint, S. H., Yu, S., Ding, Y., & Palmer, J. S. (2021). Phenotypic properties and genotyping analysis of Bacillus cereus group isolates from dairy and potato products. LWT, 140. doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2021.110853

On, S. L. W., Zhang, Y., Gehring, A., Patsekin, V., Chelikani, V., Flint, S., . . . Robinson, J. P. (2021). Elastic Light Scatter Pattern Analysis for the Expedited Detection of Yersinia Species in Pork Mince: Proof of Concept.. Front Microbiol, 12, 641801. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2021.641801

Kumar, M., Flint, S., Palmer, J., Chanapha, S., & Hall, C. (2021). Influence of the incubation temperature and total dissolved solids concentration on the biofilm and spore formation of dairy isolates of Geobacillus stearothermophilus.. Appl Environ Microbiol. doi:10.1128/AEM.02311-20

Nowak, J., Visnovsky, S. B., Cruz, C. D., Fletcher, G. C., van Vliet, A. H. M., Hedderley, D., . . . Pitman, A. R. (2021). Inactivation of the gene encoding the cationic antimicrobial peptide resistance factor MprF increases biofilm formation but reduces invasiveness of Listeria monocytogenes.. J Appl Microbiol, 130(2), 464-477. doi:10.1111/jam.14790

Wang, D., Flint, S. H., Gagic, D., Palmer, J. S., Fletcher, G. C., & On, S. L. W. (2021). In silico analysis revealing CsrA roles in motility-sessility switching and tuning VBNC cells in Vibrio parahaemolyticus.. Biofouling, 37(6), 680-688. doi:10.1080/08927014.2021.1955357

Sadiq, F. A., Burmølle, M., Heyndrickx, M., Flint, S., Lu, W., Chen, W., . . . Zhang, H. (2021). Community-wide changes reflecting bacterial interspecific interactions in multispecies biofilms.. Crit Rev Microbiol, 47(3), 338-358. doi:10.1080/1040841X.2021.1887079