Research collaboration
We design, conduct and peer-review research related to Māori and Indigenous business and economy. We can also participate in existing research programmes that are underway, and welcome Indigenous research opportunities with institutions in Aotearoa and abroad.
Advice and training
Practical advice and training for businesses interested in learning about Māori business and economy.
Speaking and events
Hosting, facilitating and speaking at events and seminars to transfer knowledge of Māori business and economy.
Postgraduate mentorship
Supervision and support for Māori and non-Māori postgraduate students interested in studying, researching
and engaging with Māori and Indigenous businesses or the Māori economy.
Media commentary
We are available for interview and written commentary on topics relating to Māori and Indigenous business, economics or economies. Our affiliates and staff are also
subject experts able to provide insights across a range of business-related disciplines.
Marae and community support
Practical support for marae, iwi, hapu and whānau to help resolve business, economic or data-related issues. We can also assist in running and reviewing annual census, business case submissions, and data analysis. Low or no-fee support is available.