Tourism and sustainable development goals

Project leader

Regina Scheyvens


January – December 2019



2020: Professor Regina Scheyvens, Massey University, has been awarded a James Cook Research Fellowship for research titled ‘The re-development of tourism in Aotearoa and the Pacific post-pandemic: seeking sustainable, self-determined Indigenous development’.

Learn more

Professor Regina Scheyvens doing field work in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Photo: Supplied


Indigenous tourism and the sustainable development goals

Te Awa Tupua: peace, justice and sustainability through Indigenous tourism

Can tourism help to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere”? The challenge of tourism addressing SDG1

Tourists and community development: corporate social responsibility or tourist social responsibility?

Other resources

Tourism & the SDGs Conference 2019

Privileging whānau voices, whakapapa narratives towards whānau ora