Te Atiawa, Ngāti Tama
Applied economist and social science researcher
Associate Professor, School of Economics and Finance

The $50 billion Māori economy is a real rock-star yet we continue to face socio-economic challenges where an economics perspective would be valuable. I believe we need to grow and unite the Māori economics community if we want to be able to find by-Māori, for-Māori economic solutions.
I’m passionate about growing capacity within Māori economics, and exploring Māori-led solutions to stubborn economic problems. Through Te Au Rangahau we’re able to focus our research on Māori economic development and be involved in conversations that make a meaningful contribution to Māori wellbeing.
Three things that give me the most satisfaction working with Te Au Rangahau are the people we meet, the mahi we do and the sense of contribution we get.
Outside of work and family I love gardening, though spend far too little time actually doing it. I enjoy gaming, and spend far too much time doing it. I also seem to collect animals whether it’s parrots, feeding hedgehogs or the several hundred sparrows that now live in the bushes outside my bedroom.
It’s extremely satisfying watching Te Au Rangahau develop and exciting to see where we go from here.