RNZ: Budget 2020: Māori to get $900m to deal with Covid-19 fallout

The $900m includes the establishment of a $50m Māori trades training fund. Photo: RNZ / Alexander Robertson

The government will spend $900 million in Budget 2020 to support whānau, hapū and iwi to deal with the fall-out of Covid-19.

…Massey University Te Au Rangahau co-director Dr Matt Roskruge, who is a senior lecturer in economics and finance, said he welcomed the focus on creating jobs in the regions.

“The regions are probably going to be the hardest hit in terms of employment and the slowest to recover,” he said.

“The $200 million for the regional economy will certainly go some way to supporting Māori regional economic development, but the devil is going to be in the detail.

“We need to be a little bit careful to make sure there are not communities, towns, rural areas that are isolated and that are forgotten in the recovery story.”

Lack of tailored Māori business support

To date, there has been no targeted Māori economic support package to help Māori businesses deal with the impacts of Covid-19.

Dr Roskruge said he is disappointed there is no specific focus on Māori businesses in the Budget.

“I didn’t feel like there was an awful lot of thought put into how to pass money over to Māori organisations to help them find on the ground solutions for the Māori economy.

“In saying that, $200 million isn’t a small amount of funding, it is probably at a level that is going to make a difference but I don’t think it is going to be enough to make the level of difference that we perhaps need.

“I think the government has perhaps hoped that the Māori economy is going to get caught up in that big spending package.”

Read the full story on RNZ or NZ Herald

Newshub: Coronavirus: What the pandemic is costing small business

Newshub Nation.

Senior lecturer at Massey University’s School of Economics and Finance Matt Roskruge said while challenges were ahead, confidence should begin to pick up as we step down the alert levels. 

“The main thing we’ll see over the next three weeks is just that build-up of confidence. People are starting to feel a little bit more like they’re ready to participate [in the economy] again and are not in immediate danger.,” he said. 

“Globally we are not going to see the sort of massive downturns that we’ve seen say with the Great Depression… and there’s a lot of opportunity today thanks to our digital existence that was not around back in the earlier depressions.” 

See the full story on Newshub

RNZ: Fears Covid-19 could cost Māori economy $500 million

Federation chair Traci Houpapa Photo: RNZ/Susan Murray

The Federation of Māori Authorities is warning Covid 19 could hit the Māori economy by half a billion dollars.

The Māori economy relies heavily on primary industries and tourism, both of which are taking massive hits as the virus disrupts exports to China and international travel.

Federation chair Traci Houpapa said the fall our for Māori is an urgent concern.

“Our people are feeling it, not only from a business perspective but also in terms of employment and labour,” she said.

“And then further, when you consider that these primary industry impacts from corona are hitting our regions – the flow on effect is to our communities.”

The Māori Council estimates the Māori economy has been hit by between $100-$200m but Mrs Houpapa said that is conservative.

Read the full story on RNZ