Developing a Māori theory of value

Project leader

Kiri Dell Ngā Pae


October 2018 – September 2020



The theory of value research platform is concerned with considering:

  • How can the values that drive the Māori economy be understood and articulated within a theoretical context?
  • How can the values that drive the Māori economy be utilised by Māori communities to enhance wellbeing?
Dell, K. M., Newth, J., Mika, J. P., & Houkamau, C. A. (2021). Developing a Māori theory of value: Report prepared for Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga.

Learn more at Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

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Houkamau, C. A., Dell, K. M., Newth, J., Mika, J. P., Sibley, C., Keelan, T., & Dunn, T. (2021). The wellbeing of Māori pre and post Covid-19 lockdown in Aotearoa / New Zealand.