Emily Duncan’s script Eloise in the Middle takes Plays for the Young, Playmarket in New Zealand competition.

Past 139.763 Community Theatre student’s script takes Playmarket, New Zealand competition.

Emily Duncan was awarded for the 2013 Plays for the Young 3-8 year old category for her script Eloise in the Middle. Playmarket will offer  script development resources, as appropriate, and her script will be entered into the Script Register, making them available for circulation to potential producers. This is a significant achievement given the limited number of playwriting competitions both here and overseas.  Since Emily was a Massey student in 139.763, Community Theatre; she has since gone forward with playwriting.

In 2010 Duncan was selected to be one of the ten playwrights to attend the Playmarket Playwrights’ Retreat over eight days in July at Otaki. The script she developed there, Southern Comfort, won the 2010 Dunedin Write Out Loud competition.

Dunedn-based, Duncan is a writer, copyeditor and teacher, and also acts and directs for theatre. Read more about Emily at Playmarket http://www.playmarket.org.nz/playwrights/emily-duncan

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