What happens at a Create1World Conference Day?
Our 2020 Create1World conference day will run 9am to 3pm at Massey Wellington campus on July 2. You don’t need to wear school uniform (unless your school requires you to) and you don’t need to bring anything other than your curiosity!
- Our innovative, interactive, global linkup panel. We connect you, the audience, with international creative activists via video link, plus local artists in the room, so that you can hear first hand from real people doing creative activism and ask them your questions. What’s something you’ve always wanted to ask about creative careers or social change? This is your chance! Previous panellists have included theatre makers, writers, performance poets, film makers, musicians, upcycling fashion designers, and more. We have connected in previous panel discussions with artists in Papua New Guinea, South America, Africa, England, the USA, India, Australia, Canada, and more, and in the room we have had Māori, Pasifika, Pākehā, Asian New Zealand, migrant and refugee artists, all sharing and comparing their ideas with you about how they use their creativity to make change.
- Morning tea (featuring fair trade and sustainable products and ingredients).
- Performances from finalists in the Create1World competition. This is your chance to see what Aotearoa young people have made in response to our competitive challenge to use the arts to address global problems. Then you get to hear the judges’ feedback, and see the prizes presented.
Panellists were inspiring and I gained advice and a new insight into creative activism.
- Lunch is also provided (we email out the menu in your programme the week before to let you know what yummy food you’ll be able to choose from).
- Hands-on activities to upskill you as a creative activist, presented by award winning teachers and artists from Massey University (previous workshops have included filmmaking, creative writing, theatre making, feminist media practice, protest poetry, and more).
- Evaluation. We’re always interested in what Create1World participants think about the day, so we gather your feedback.
Here’s what some of our previous participants have said:
– “The selection of people was really interesting and inspiring.”
– “I enjoyed learning about other people’s perspectives and hearing others’ voices. Taking the viewpoint of somebody with a different viewpoint is extremely valuable.”
– “It was great making new friends and being surrounded by amazing creativity and passion for global unity.”
– “My standout moment was the workshop as it was empowering and I felt safe to share my poem.”
– “My students were really engaged/inspired so great success there. Theatre workshop was really fantastic, MC was super, conference kept to time. A huge achievement.”
To register for our 2020 Create1World Conference Day on July 2 in Wellington, click here: https://forms.gle/4sLvxThkG8RodzWc7