The cartoon character ‘Handala’ by Palestinian Artist Naji Al-ALi.
Dr. Rand Hazou, Lecturer in Theatre, Interviewed on RNZ’s ‘Nights’ with Bryan Crump
Lecturer in Theatre, Dr. Rand Hazou was interviewed by Bryan Crump on Radio New Zealand’s ‘Nights’ which was broadcast on Monday 16 September 2013. The interview focused on the importance of theatre for refugees and asylum seekers and recounted Rand’s experience attending the production of Handala, staged by Alrowwad Theatre in Aida Refugee camp in Bethlehem, and the inspiration behind the concept of ‘Beautiful Resistance’. The interview is available online:
I wanted to know how I could have access to this photo of Handala, or if it is on public domain.
Thank you so much for your help!
Dear Laila,
Sorry for the late reply. I got permission to use this image in a publication from members of the Al-Ali Family. It would be best to follow up directly with the family for permission.
Kind regards,