Me, Myself, and My Monologue

A monologue about theatre, by Archer Bernards, for the class ‘Creative Processes’

The magic of theatre is not in pretending to be someone else, but in finding myself amidst the tapestry of circumstance.”

Massey Expressive Arts Students. Photo: Jane Wilcox.



I stand in the spotlight on the stage, a single beam that defines the boundaries of my existence. Here, I’ve learned to shed my skin and don the masks of countless characters, each whispering a different tale of human experience. The curtain rises not only on scripted stories but on the symphony of my own emotions, echoing in every corner of the auditorium.

I’ve trodden these boards, wooden planks that have absorbed my every footfall, my every heartbeat. The stage itself has become my confidante, embracing my vulnerabilities, fears, and triumphs. Behind the curtain, I’ve danced with anticipation and grappled with self-doubt. But once under the spotlight, I’ve become invincible — a vessel of voices and emotions that transcend the boundaries of self.

Theatre performers
Massey Expressive Arts Students. Photo: Jane Wilcox.

The memorabilia strewn about this stage tell stories of their own —props that I’ve held, touched, and lived through. A tie worn by a forgotten character, notes pressed between pages of a script — each prop a relic of my metamorphosis.

Beyond the scripted lines lie the unspoken truths. The magic of theatre is not in pretending to be someone else, but in finding myself amidst the tapestry of circumstance. With every performance, I’ve unravelled the layers of my being, discovering new facets and hidden corners. The joy and pain of the audience have resonated with the joy and pain in my own heart.

Massey Expressive Arts Students. Photo: Jane Wilcox.

Standing here, I’m reminded that it’s not about the applause or the limelight; it’s about the growth that flourishes in the quiet moments, in the genuineness of my expression. Every whisper of self-doubt I’ve faced backstage, every triumph celebrated with a nod and a smile — it’s all part of this journey to self-discovery.

As I stand before this stage, I see more than cardboard and glitter. I hear the echo of my laughter, the echo of my tears, the echo of my applause.

The stage is my mirror, reflecting the journey from scripted lines to unscripted authenticity. It’s a journey of artistry, of resilience, of self-discovery — a journey where every scene, every act, has led to this defining moment.

Massey Expressive Arts Students: Curtain Call, Wellington Campus. Photo: Jane Wilcox.

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