Category Archives: Wellington

Expressive Arts at Massey Wellington campus

Student documentary makers head to international forum in Melbourne

Two student documentary filmmakers from the School of English & Media Studies have been sponsored by the World Heart Federation to fly to Melbourne this weekend for the Youth Take Action Workshop at the World Congress of Cardiology.

Janaya Soma and Catherine Moreau-Hammond (both Massey Bachelor of Communication graduates studying Expressive Arts as part of their BC Honours year) have been filming a documentary about the ‘Smokefree It’s My Life’ youth activism project, under the supervision of English & Media Studies staffmembers Dr Radha O’Meara and Dr Elspeth Tilley.  Janaya has also been heavily involved in research and event management for the project, and has just had her writing about the project published in Tearaway Magazine (see her story at

The World Heart Federation has provided a grant of US$2000 to fly the pair to Melbourne to share their documentary footage, and insights into what they’ve learned about by-youth for-youth anti-tobacco activism from being part of It’s My Life, with health professionals and other young people from all around the world.  While there they will also have the chance to learn from other young people and top health communication experts, and report back to New Zealand on the global youth anti-tobacco movement.

Once they finish editing and post-production on their footage, Catherine and Janaya’s documentary will be made available as a DVD to school students throughout New Zealand, as a resource for youth activism initiatives.

Redlight Rhythm2

Musician James van der Maas was part of the smokefree youth event that Janaya organised, and will also feature as an interviewee in the students’ documentary of the project.

Cat video article hits the airwaves

kombicatDo you watch cat videos online?  Do you take videos of your cats and share them online? Wellington-based lecturer Dr Radha O’Meara of the School of English and Media Studies has been featured in the international media this week after her article about the global phenomenon of cute cat videos was published.  Part of a special issue of ‘M/C: A journal of media and culture,’ on cuteness (see, Dr O’Meara’s article, entitled ‘Do Cats Know They Rule YouTube? Surveillance and the Pleasures of Cat Videos’ analysed cat videos’ appeal, but also interrogated their ultimate purpose.  She examined the distinguishing features of contemporary cat videos, focusing particularly on their narrative structure, mode of observation, and mode of performance.

In particular, the article highlights a unique characteristic of these videos: the cats’ unselfconsciousness. This, Dr O’Meara argues, is “rare in a consumer culture dominated by surveillance, where we are constantly aware of the potential for being watched”. The obliviousness of cats in online videos offers viewers two key pleasures, she suggests: to imagine the possibility of freedom from surveillance, and to experience the power of administering surveillance as unproblematic.

Dr O’Meara told Australia’s ABC Radio National that ultimately, however, “cat videos enable viewers to facilitate our own surveillance, and we do so with the gleeful abandon of a kitten jumping in a tissue box.” Unaware of the irony inherent in their actions, cat video viewers enjoy a sense of vicarious freedom, while giving away more of their privacy as their viewing habits are tracked with every click.

Hear the podcast of the full interview at:

Digital Media Production Village Opening

Monday 14th April saw the official opening of the new Digital Media Production Village at Massey’s Wellington Campus. In addition to media production and post-production spaces, a communications lab, audio recording booth, technician’s offices and equipment stores the area additionally features an interview/greenscreen studio and control room, ensuring that students will have access to cutting edge technologies which are increasingly found in the creative industries.

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington

Digital Media Production Village @ Massey Wellington