Category Archives: Theatre

JustUs takes justice to the stage

Andrew Broadley as Michael, in JustUs

Andrew Broadley as Michael, in JustUs. Photo: Meredith Johnson

Audience members have described the premiere of JustUs, a new verbatim theatre work created by Massey University Creativity in the Community students as “powerful” and “fantastic”.

The original work, which was developed in collaboration with JustSpeak, a youth-led justice advocacy charity, was staged for the first time in Wellington today (June 1), and will return for two more performances, on June 3 and June 9.

The 40 minute one-act production combines film and live theatre to trace the journeys of two brothers through the NZ criminal justice system.  It resulted from the Massey expressive arts students’ work with JustSpeak to understand the differences in life outcome for 16-year-olds, who can access Youth Court processes, and 17-year-olds, who are tried in the adult court system. From a series of guest lectures, the students workshopped creative concepts then developed an original script.

The staging of the work is timely, with the government currently considering whether to raise the youth court age.  Principal Youth Court Judge Andrew Becroft has recently described New Zealand’s youth justice age of 17 as “an enduring stain on New Zealand’s otherwise

Fusi Mesui and Hamish Boyle in JustUs

Fusi Mesui and Hamish Boyle in JustUs. Photo: Meredith Johnson

good youth justice record.”

While New Zealand’s youth justice system was considered internationally to be “pioneering in its approach”, it had a long way to go, Judge Becroft said.

JustUs aimed to present that ‘long way to go’ concept through theatre, to reach out to an audience beyond those directly connected with the justice system and, through creativity, engage more people in considering the impact on  broader society of our justice approach to youth offending.

The dialogue in the piece is predominately taken from direct interviews the class were able to have, through working via JustSpeak, with youth offenders and the community workers who support them.  While the speech and context are real, the students then created a fictional dramatic structure around that  dialogue featuring two brothers whose only difference is age, with their upbringing, culture and crime identical.

Course coordinator, Associate Professor Elspeth Tilley, also invited established creative artists who have worked in prisons and on justice issues to talk to the class about how to apply creativity to challenging and sensitive topics.  Playwrights William Brandt and Jo Randerson, and author Pip Adam, all of whom have extensive experience teaching creative writing in prisons, were among those who helped the students by providing specialist creative guidance.

JustUs poster - design by Fusi Mesui.

JustUs poster – design by Fusi Mesui.

Audience members’ written feedback after the first performance included “Fantastic performance, really powerful and wonderfully performed. Thank you so much, and well done to all the cast and crew,” and “That was truly awesome – had tears in my eyes.”  Another said “What a great performance. I was so impressed. It was fantastic.”

JustUs returns to the stage on June 3, 2016 at 7pm as part of the Wellington Expressive Arts Students’ End of Semester Showcase and on June 9, when it will begin at 6.30pm, be held at a larger venue in downtown Wellington and followed by a speaker panel and community forum.  All welcome. Entry at the final performance will be by koha to support the advocacy work of JustSpeak.

To receive updates join the Facebook event for the June 9 event at



Angie Farrow on Radio National

Angie Farrow was recently on Radio National’s ‘Standing Room Only‘ talking about the upcoming season at Centrepoint Theatre called ‘Plays With a Purpose‘, and more specifically about her own new play ‘The Politician’s Wife‘ which performs in June 2016 in the Manawatu and Wellington.

You can hear the interview at




Welcome to tenth edition of NUTS NZ – the Newsletter for University Theatre Studies New Zealand. The purpose of the newsletter is to help us communicate more effectively as a community of scholars interested in Theatre and Performance. We have an interesting selection of stories and items for you in our second issue for 2016. In this issue, in our “NUTS People” segment, we profile Hilary Halba and Kiri Bell from The University of Otago. We have also included information on the upcoming symposia and conferences for the multidisciplinary research project “The Performance of the Real” at Otago University. We have two academic vacancies that have opened up at Massey University to circulate. We are also pleased to promote Marianne Schultz’s latest publication Performing Indigenous Culture on Stage and Screen. We also thought we would bring to your attention an interesting article by Associate Professor Tracey Moore (The Hartt School at the University of Hartford), entitled ‘Why Theater Majors Are Vital in the Digital Age‘ which was recently published online by the Chronicle of Higher Education. In the article Moore argues that ‘Theater (slow, communal, physical) may be the cure for what ails us in the digital world’. The article raises some important points about the value of University Theatre Majors which might be useful in our own advocacy for university theatre programmes in NZ. We plan to circulate our eleventh edition of NUTS NZ on the 12th of August, and we will need items of news by 29 July (especially an academic and  postgraduate student to  showcase). As always, submissions should be sent to the NUTS NZ editor Jane Marshall:

Kind regards,
NUTS NZ editors: Jane Marshall and Rand Hazou.

Newsletter Issue  Information Required by  Date of Circulation
Issue 11 29 July 2016 12 August 2016
 Issue 12 28 October 2016 11 November 2016


In each edition of NUTS NZ we profile an academic and a postgraduate student to show case “our people” and their current research/interests. In this issue we have Hilary Halba and Kiri Bell from The University of Otago. As always, NUTS NZ asked each of them to answer the following questions:

  • What is your research about?
  • What theatre/performances have you seen recently?
  • What have you been reading lately?

Hilary Halba


Research: My research and background are in acting and actor training, documentary and verbatim theatre, and Maori and bicultural theatre, drama and performance.

Theatre: I haven’t seen any theatre performances recently as I have been performing every night for the last two 2 months in “Winston’s Birthday,” (written by Paul Baker and directed by Lara McGregor). You could say, however, that I have watched that performance every night from the stage.

Reading: Most recently, I have been reading abstracts for the Hui & Symposium I have just co-convened.

Kiri Bell


Research: I am researching a range of theatrical techniques in order to stage auto-ethnographical and biographical stories about Māori children adopted into Pākehā families through closed stranger adoption.  Some of the techniques include: Māori performing arts, physical theatre, poetry, shadow play, and song.  I am also researching closed stranger adoption in Aotearoa, in particular with regards to Māori children adopted into Pākehā families and the impact and consequences this form of adoption has had on adoptees.  My research will culminate in a one woman, multi-media bicultural documentary play.

Theatre: Aside from seeing a number of works at Allen Hall Lunchtime Theatre, which is always interesting, entertaining and such good value for money, the other theatre I have seen lately is Paul Baker’s Winston’s Birthday at the Fortune Theatre.  This play was thoroughly entertaining and, as always, Peter King’s set design was fantastic.

Reading: I am reading a number of works at the moment, and yet it seems that I am still not reading enough!  I am reading Maria Haenga-Collins Master’s thesis Belonging and Whakapapa: The Closed Stranger Adoption of Māori Children into Pākehā Families, and I am reading Erica Newman’s Master’s thesis A Right To Be Māori?” Identity Formation of Māori Adoptees.  I am also reading Through The Body: A Practical Guide to Physical Theatre by Dymphna Callery.  I think this book is a must for all theatre practitioners.


Performing Indigenous Culture on Stage and Screen by Dr Marianne Schultz

Examining corporeal expressions of indigenousness from an historical perspective, this book highlights the development of cultural hybridity in New Zealand via the popular performing arts, contributing new understandings of racial, ethnic, and gender identities through performance. The author offers an insightful and welcome examination of New Zealand performing arts via case studies of drama, music, and dance, performed both domestically and internationally. As these examples show, notions of modern New Zealand were shaped and understood in the creation and reception of popular culture. Highlighting embodied indigenous cultures of the past provides a new interpretation of the development of New Zealand’s cultural history and adds an unexplored dimension in understanding the relationships between Māori and Pākehā throughout the late nineteenth and into the early twentieth centuries.


The performance of the Real is a new multidisciplinary research project that is being led by Dr Suzanne Little and Assoc. Prof. Hazel Tucker at Otago University. The project has been successful in receiving funding over five years and a number of symposia and conferences have already been programmed this year including:

The Performance of the Real Postgraduate and Early Career Symposium: 

June 8th – 10th 2016 Keynote speaker: Bree Hadley (Queensland University of Technology) (we are heavily subsiding this symposium to keep costs down for postgraduate students) – we are open to late submission of abstracts

Mediating the Real: 

August 31st – September 2nd 2016 Keynote speakers: Misha Kavka (The University of Auckland); Allen Meek (Massey University) & Agon Hamza (Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts)

Performing Precarity: Refugee Representation, Determination and Discourses

21-23 November


Professor Nikos Papastergiadis (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Professor Suvendrini Perera (Curtin University, Perth, Australia)

Registration is via the website and there are more details on the site about the theme and who is involved, including her very hardworking steering committee.

Academic Vacancies

Massey University is advertising two theatre studies positions which can be viewed via the Massey website. These include:

Part-Time Lecturer in Theatre Studies (A175-16SF) at Massey’s Albany (Auckland) Campus.

Applications are invited for a part-time (0.4 FTE), fixed-term three year Lectureship in Theatre Studies in the School of English and Media Studies at Massey University.

For more details please visit:

Senior Tutor in Theatre/Expressive Arts (A176-16SF) at Massey’s Palmerston North Campus.

Applications are invited for a 0.8 FTE, fixed-term senior tutorship in the Theatre/Expressive Arts programme of the School of English and Media Studies at Massey University on the Palmerston North, Manawatu Campus.

For more details please visit:




Welcome to the ninth edition of NUTS NZ – the Newsletter for University Theatre Studies New Zealand. The purpose of the newsletter is to help us communicate more effectively as a community of scholars interested in Theatre and Performance. We have an interesting selection of stories and items for you in this first issue for 2016. In this issue Martyn Roberts has kindly provided us with an outline of his latest project, Dark Matter. We have included a flyer and link to a newspaper article about Head Wound, directed by Angie Farrow, that should be of interest. We have details of the upcoming ADSA Conference “Resilience: Revive, Restore, Reconnect,” as well as details regarding the upcoming Symposium “Empowering Performance.”  There are a few prizes and competition to note too. Unfortunately, we could not  include out “NUTS People” segment  in this edition but it will b featured in the tenth edition.

We plan to circulate our tenth edition of NUTS NZ on the 13 of May , and we will need items of news by 29 April (especially an academic  and  postgraduate student to  showcase). As always, submissions should be sent to the NUTS NZ editor Jane Marshall:

Newsletter Issue  Information Required by  Date of Circulation
Issue 10 29 April 2016 13 May 2016
Issue 11 29 July 2016 12 August 2016
 Issue 12 28 October 2016 11 November 2016

Kind regards,

NUTS NZ editors: Jane Marshall and Rand Hazou.


Dark Matter



Martyn Roberts, Lighting Designer and Professional Practice Fellow in Theatre Studies at The University of Otago presented Dark Matter at the Dunedin Fringe Festival in March 2016. This work presented for the first time, since graduating in 2014, a public showing of his MFA Theatre Studies material. Martyn’s MFA focused on his practice as a lighting designer and in particular the development and refinement of his methodology which involves creating states or scenarios that sit at the edge of perception and understanding. This was explored through three workshops and Dark Matter, a final showing where audiences were engaged in an open and ‘meaning-making’ process creating threshold states. ‘Threshold state’ refers to a point of perception that compels the viewer to engage with an image or sound to create meaning before it vanishes. It was Martyn’s intention to create threshold states across the disciplines of light, sound and site specific space. He also used photography to bring a greater understanding to how meaning, perception and recognition occur in these threshold moments. Dark matter, as in use it here, is a metaphor to describe the unseen, intangible or emergent elements of a performance. Martyn sought to use how we experience these elements to examine aspects of his design process. He is interested primarily in visual design work that privileges the partial and the unseen in order to invite audiences to take an increasingly active role in the meaning-making process. This has long been a focus of his practice as a designer. In this project, Martyn worked to develop, refine and articulate his approach through experimenting with the design tool of light, and by corollary, with sound and space.

Head Wound

HeadWound Front

Soldiers who survive war might be considered lucky, but they can suffer lifelong psychological damage. A bold new performance work explores the human horrors of war through one man’s struggle to piece together fragments of memory and identity shattered by a traumatic head injury. This performance installation, presented at Palmerston North’s Te Manawa Museum, is directed by Massey University Associate Professor Angie Farrow in collaboration with puppeteer Leda Farrwo, digital lighting designer Luke Anderson, musician and composer Suzie Hawes, and writer John Downie.

For more information access the Massey News story here, or visit the link to the article “Installation Brings Museum to Life” in the Manawatu Standard.


ADSA Conference 2016 Resilience: Revive, Restore, Reconnect. Update

Publication reminder
The deadline for submissions for the e-conference proceedings publication for ADSA’s 2016 Conference is rapidly approaching (12th February). The publication will be in two parts. Part One will feature academic papers that can be written and reviewed ahead of time. This part will be published prior to, and launched at the conference. Part Two will feature research that due to its nature and/or mode of presentation can only be properly represented and/or peer reviewed during the conference itself. If you wish to have your work considered for either part, you MUST prepare a submission by Friday 12th February. For Part One, this submission must be your full paper.Please note that the full papers need to closely resemble the work you will present at the conference (rather than a re-write or an extended version), approximately 3000 words in length, and follow the ADS journal style guide. For Part Two this submission will consist of a more fulsome abstract (up to 1000 words detailing research methodology, questions and influences) and a justification of why the work can only be peer reviewed properly during the conference itself as well as a proposal of how the media-rich content (if applicable) will be captured.

Peer review
All people submitting work for consideration in the publication are reminded that by submitting their work they are also agreeing to act as a peer reviewer for up to 4 other submissions at the discretion of the editors. For Part One, these reviews will be due back to the editors by Friday 4th March. All peer reviewers will be acknowledged as part of the publication. If people who are not submitting their work, wish to volunteer to be a peer reviewer, the editors would welcome your expression of interest via emailing a brief bio to them.

Conference Registration
Registration for the conference is now open.Early Bird discounts are available until Friday 29th April. For more details about the conference or to register please follow this link.

Call For Papers

Empowering Performance: Maori & Indigenous Performance Studies Symposium

Te Ara Poutama, Faculty of Māori and Indigenous Development invites proposals for papers and other presentations on the power of contemporary Indigenous performance. Here we ask participants to stake a position in a conversation about the relationship between performance and power in the development of Māori and Indigenous identities and communities.

Where: Auckland University of Technology
When: 8-9 September 2016

For further information, contact Dr. Valance Smith by emailing:
or visit #KAHAKA2016


The Marlis Thiersch Prize

The Marlis Thiersch prize is designed to recognise research excellence in English-language articles anywhere in the world in the broad field of drama, theatre and performance studies.
  • The Award is open to all financial members of ADSA.
  • The publication period is January to December 2015.
  • There cannot be more than one article or chapter by an author nominated in a given year.
  • The winner is announced at the ADSA conference.
  • The value of the prize is $500.
Judges for the award in 2016 are Paul Dwyer (University of Sydney), Emma Willis (University of Auckland), and Christopher Hay (NIDA).
Nominations are invited by authors, journal editors and interested scholars, specifying full reference for the work nominated and accompanied by a photocopy of the article or chapter.
Deadline: Friday 1st April 2016.
Please send an electronic/scanned copy of the article or chapter, plus full reference for the work to Christopher Hay, NIDA:

The Rob Jordon Prize

The Rob Jordan Prize is awarded every two years, for books by ADSA members making ‘a significant contribution to the study of theatre, drama or performance studies’ published in the two years prior to the award of the prize, i.e. 2014 and 2015. Preference will normally be given to monographs. Nominations can be made either by, or on behalf of, the author/s of the book and should include three copies of the book being nominated and a brief statement about the book’s importance.

Please forward nominations to Alison Richards <>by 31 March 2016.

Create One World Through Art Competition

Creative Activism Pic

Outside your tertiary theatre work, are you in touch with any highschool (Yr 11-13) students studying drama?  If so please spread the word and let them know they can enter a short performance into the Creative Activism & Global Citizenship Competition hosted by Massey University and NZ Centre for Global Studies.  There are great prizes from UNESCO NZ for winning and commended entries.  The competition aligns with NCEA achievement standards so this could be something they could do in class! We invite you to show us how creativity and the arts can contribute to global community-building, and generate creative solutions to pressing planetary issues.

#Create1world – show us how your creativity can connect the world!

If you’re in Year 11, 12 or 13, we invite you to design creative content to promote the idea of global citizenship.  The theme of the competition is “create one world through art” – for young people to say, in your own way, how creativity can help us join together to solve some of the problems we face as a planet.

Competition Details

  1. Think about how creativity can help us better understand and resolve global problems faced by humanity in the 21st Century. Themes might include sustainability, peace, human rights, climate change, refugees, global inequality, international law or the responsibilities of multinational organisations.
  2. Think about what it might mean to be a ‘global citizen’.  There are some research resources (including a report written by young people) on the New Zealand Centre for Global Studies website at but you are also encouraged to develop your own ideas about creating global unity through art.
  3. Check out some of the ‘inspiration items’ on the Creative Activism Facebook Page at
  4. Take your ideas and turn them into a creative output in one of the four categories below:
  • Media Studies Category:  ($300 first prize, $200 second prize, $100 third prize) – Produce a short  (1-3 minutes) media product
  • Performance Category: ($300 first prize, $200 second prize, $100 third prize) – Devise and perform a short drama  (1-3 minutes) OR construct and deliver a crafted and controlled oral text (1-3 minutes)
  • Creative Writing Category: ($300 first prize, $200 second prize, $100 third prize) – Produce a piece of crafted and controlled piece of creative writing in the genre of either poetry or short story
  • Music category: ($300 first prize, $200 second prize, $100 third prize) – Compose and record an original song (1-3 minutes long)
  1. Go to the Creative Activism Facebook Page and upload your submission to the page by 17:00pm NZST on Monday May 2, 2016.
  2. Preliminary judging will take place following this date. A selection of submissions will be chosen as finalists and announced on Monday May 16, 2016.  Finalists will be invited to perform/present at a showcase event as part of the Creative Activism and Global Citizenship Conference on July 1, 2016.
  3. Come along and see the finalists at the Creative Activism and Global Citizenship Conference on July 1, 2016, and participate in a global conversation about creative activism with leading international artists. Free conference registration closes on Monday June 13, 5pm.  Register at this link here.
  4. To be held on Friday July 1 at Massey University Wellington campus from 9am to 3pm.  (Highschool teachers please click here to register your school group). Join us for free lunch, free amazing inspirational creative speakers, and be there when the winners, chosen by our panel of celebrity judges, are announced!

Creative Activism for Highschool Students

Flier_Page_1Inspired by our innovative Expressive Arts curriculum and its focus on ‘performing the change you want to see’, Massey University College of Humanities & Social Sciences and the New Zealand Centre for Global Studies are proud to present #create1world, the first Creative Activism & Global Citizenship initiative in New Zealand.

This conference, competition and think-tank for senior highschool students will be held from 9am to 3pm, on July 1, 2016, at Massey University’s Wellington campus.

If you are in Year 11, 12 or 13, we invite you to first of all to enter our competition.  It aligns with NCEA for Media Studies, English, Drama and Music so we’re sure there will be a category that you can enter.

Then, come along to the conference day on July 1, and be inspired by some of the most exciting artists of our time, and hear about their work using art to cross borders, create peace, solve planetary problems and connect diverse peoples.

The day will kick off with a global linkup showcasing creative artists (celebrity musicians, painters, filmmakers, actors and more) both local and international, who are committed to creating unity and justice through their music, theatre, and media work.

Then we’ll hear from Kiwi students – the finalists in our competition will be invited to present your own creative activism work in the areas of media studies, music, creative writing and drama, and we’ll announce winners and award prizes.

Finally, join a creative brainstorm where your ideas are heard and recorded – you could really make a difference to our future and our world.

See more detail at our website

You can also follow us on Twitter at or Facebook at

Flier_Page_2We look forward to seeing your creative entries and to welcoming you to the #create1world discussion on July 1.

Staging a Cause

Elspeth Tilley does the little things that many do on the homefront to protect the planet, from recycling and marching against climate change to encouraging her family to walk and take public transport.

On a global scale, though, the Massey University theatre and arts lecturer knows that many are tired of being bombarded with information and statistics about climate change.

On the eve of one of the most important global meetings, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris, which starts on the evening of November 30 (NZ Time), her short, provocative play, Flotsam, has been accepted by the New York-based Climate Change Theatre Action group, as one of the official plays.

“Information about climate change is very depressing and leaves us all churned up, thinking the world’s going to end,” says Tilley.  “The result is that people switch off. Instead, it works to reach people’s hearts and consciousness, and to help them think differently.”

Playwrights like David Geary, a Vancouver-based Maori playwright and Jacqueline Lawton, an award-winning black American playwright, are among 50 writers whose poetry, plays and songs were chosen by the action group to be performed before and during the Paris event.  Not all will be held in Paris, though, and Tilley’s play is being shown in Chicago, Washington, New York and Virginia.  Other productions range from living-room readings to fully produced shows, and from site-specific performances at the foot of glaciers to radio programmes and film adaptations.

Tilley says that climate change is often seen through a policy or scientific lens, and solutions are discussed only in political offices, boardrooms and negotiating halls.

Her play is based on the real-life case about a man from Kiribati – Ioane Teitoita – who was denied status as a climate change refugee and sent home.  In a case which affected Tilley, the issue is battled out between a refugee application officer following the rules, and her teenage daughter, who challenges her mother about the case after following it on Facebook.

In Flotsam, the refugee officer says: “It’s not that simple, love. The law says there must be a well-founded fear of persecution causing serious harm to qualify for refugee status.  Maybe there might be a cyclone causing serious harm, maybe not.  But a cyclone isn’t persecution.  I can’t override the wording of the law, it’s my job to apply the letter of the law.  If it says definite serious harm, then I have to require definite serious harm to prove the application”.

The case of Teitoita, who was sent home, stuck with Massey Associate Professor Tilley, who says: “It’s symbolic of the system’s response. Eventually, we are going to have to welcome climate change refugees. We can’t keep turning a blind eye, treating them like an inconvenient teenager.”

Flotsam premiered here at a Massey University climate change event, Waves, earlier this month and each production overseas features local actors and directors – it’s being shown at the Institute for Excellence in American Contemporary Theatre in New York on Tuesday, chosen by Matthew Clinton Sekellick, an award-winning director. Theatre activism isn’t new to Tilley, who teaches a paper on the expressive arts, so her students have been involved in everything from a multimedia smokefree campaign on campus, to a play about GM corn.

“We emphasise artistic expression as both intrinsically worthwhile and as a means to an end. Art has aesthetic value, but it’s also powerful as a communication tool that can connect people with ideas, provoke new ways of looking at things, and create change.”

At the Waves event, Massey PhD student Sara McBride acted in the world premiere of Geary’s play, Morehu and Titi, about a tuatara and muttonbird heading for Antarctica on a floating island.

McBride, a disaster management communications specialist, has seen the effects of climate change first-hand, after working in the Solomon Islands as a volunteer communications advisor.  “The Reef Islands was one of my areas, where you have 14,000 people living on coral atolls totalling 12 square kilometres.  The area has eroded so much. Locals are losing their island, but they can’t leave, and it’s heartbreaking to watch.”

She says that climate change is now the most pressing issue for those working in disaster management.  “It’s like, how can we fix this, or mitigate it?”

McBride also knows what it is like to live with the threat of disaster hanging above.  Growing up in Washington state, she lived within 15 kilometres of the Hamburg nuclear site as her father was a nuclear chemist.

“We grew up with the threat of the nuclear plant melting down.  We had to do drills regularly and we were told that if the nuclear facility went critical, we had to put a big white sheet up on our window to let the military know we were still alive.

“Working in disaster management has been a natural extension of my childhood.”

Elspeth Waves

NUTS NZ Issue 8


Welcome to the eighth edition of NUTS NZ – the Newsletter for University Theatre Studies New Zealand. The purpose of the newsletter is to help us communicate more effectively as a community of scholars interested in Theatre and Performance.

The meeting of the NZ Universities Committee for Theatre/Performance Research was held at University of Auckland on  Monday 9 November 2015. One of the issues that was discussed is the status of creative outputs as part of research, particularly given the approaching PBRF exercise and the challenges we face as a community in how performance research is evaluated. Several members had recently experienced an internal institutional review of research and it was noted that while Universities acknowledge the work and value of creative outputs there is still an undermining of the value of this work in regards to the PBRF. As one member explained, its difficult to find time to write PBRF articles when much of our time might be taken up juggling teaching and directing or producing theatre productions. Although productions might count internally within universities as valid and justifiable research – some internal reviews conducted at Universities in NZ struggled to find ways to account for these creative outputs as part of the PBRF exercise. This seemed to highlight a suggestion made by Sharon Mazer at a previous meeting that was about encouraging us as a community to make sure we attend each other’s creative work and write reviews or peer evaluations that might help to critically articulate and place such work as original contributions to knowledge. We also discussed how different institutions might manage payment to individual academics who might be involved in different creative projects ‘outside’ the university. The next meeting of the NZ Universities Committee for Theatre/Performance Research will be hosted by the University of Otago next year.

This is the final edition of NUTS NZ for 2015 and it has been interesting keeping up-to-date with what our various theatre programmes are doing over the year. If you have also found the newsletter informative and worthwhile, please do take the initiative to ensure your colleagues, postgrad students, and administrators are aware of NUTS and the dates for submission of news stories and items. We are glad to report that we will be back again next year. We plan to circulate our ninth issue of NUTS NZ in mid-March 2016, and we will need items of news by 26 February. As always, submissions should be sent to the NUTS NZ editor Jane Marshall:

Newsletter Issue

Information Required by

Date of Circulation

Issue 9

26 February 2016

11 March 2016

Issue 10

29 April 2016

13 May 2016

Issue 11

29 July 2016

12 August 2016

 Issue 12

28 October 2016

11 November 2016

Kind regards,

NUTS NZ editors: Jane Marshall and Rand Hazou.

NUTS People

In each edition of NUTS NZ we profile an academic and a postgraduate student to show case “our people” and their current research/interests. In this issue we have Dr Rand Hazou and PhD Candidate Ammar Almaani, both from Massey University.  As always, NUTS NZ asked each of them to answer the following questions:

  • What is your research about?
  • What theatre/performances have you seen recently?
  • What have you been reading lately?


Dr Rand Hazou

Research: My research tends to focus on theatre engaging with issues of social justice. A large majority of the theatre I tend to write about deals with social isolation or marginalisation. I’ve written about refugee theatre, Palestinian theatre, and documentary theatre. At the moment I am trying to finnish an article on Auckland-based Massive Company (  and their production of ‘The Brave’ which explored stories about contemporary masculinity and male identity in New Zealand. 

Theatre: In September I saw David Greig’s play ‘The Events’ which was staged by Silo Theatre at Q Theatre in Auckland. The production has stayed with me. Each night the production featured a different local choir from around Auckland, who provided musical accompaniment for the performance. It was interesting watching these ’non-actors’ negotiate the stage space and their ambiguous placement as both ‘performers’ and as ‘audiences’ to the action that was unfolding on stage. I also liked the way Beulah Koala played all the secondary characters from perpetrator of a crime, to counsellor, to passer-by, to the Lesbian lover of the main protagonist played by Tandi Wright. I liked the idea that wherever the main protagonist and victim turned, she ended up seeing the face of the perpetrator who had committed the horrendous crime that continues to haunt her. The most recent performance I saw was a promenade-style adaptation of Strindberg’s The Stronger which was staged in the bar and dressing rooms of The Basement Theatre in Auckland. Playwright Nathan Joe took inspiration from Strindberg’s one-sided conversation in the original play and developed a series of scenes exploring this device in which audiences were invited into different areas of the The Basement to ‘over-hear’ different pairs of characters confront each other. 

Reading: I’m reading Urbanesia: Four Pasifika Plays (Playmarket 2012). I was particularly keen to read ‘My Name is Gary Cooper’ by Vitor Rodger which appears in this volume. I’ve also been reading ‘Out of Time Out of Place: Public Art (Now)’, which is edited by Claire Doherty (Art/Books, 2013). The book features forty works of art that intervene in some way in the social order. These tend to be works ‘staged’ outside of conventional art gallery spaces. I was particularly intrigued by the work ‘NowhereIsland’ by Alex Hartley that is documented in the book which began with the ‘discovery’ of  a rocky outcrop in the arctic that had  been been revealed by a retreating glacier. The artist ended up towing this land-mass from the Norwegian arctic circle to the UK where it was presented as a new Island state accompanied by a mobile embassy. The work involved 23,003 people signing up to be citizens of the new Island nations and were issued passports. The work seemed to raise really interesting questions about displacement, mobility, and what it means to be a citizen.

Ammar's PiC

Ammar Almaani

Research: My study examines the contemporary political Arab theatre that accompanied the social and political movements of 2011, the revolutions of the so-called ‘Arab Spring’ and its aftermath. Since the Arab Spring numerous themes have been emerging in Arab theatre, particularly focusing on long-neglected issues regarding minorities, women, refugees, youth disenfranchisement, terrorism and extremism in Arab region. The aim of the study is to investigate how this contemporary Arab theatrical wave showcases and encapsulates the Arab people’s struggle against colonial and postcolonial practices.

Theatre: I have recently seen the play إكسكلوسيف  (Exclusive), written and directed by Heider Mun’athir, that addresses the tragic repercussions of extremism in Arab region. Themes running through Exclusive, staged on Theatre National Mohammed V in the 7th Arab Theatre Festival in Rabat-Morocco, explore Arab people cry against the ideological terrorism of Daesh group, so-called ISIS, the psychological motives that drive a human to extremism and the role of some institutions in the creation of terrorist.

Reading: I have been reading some articles that deal with how creative dissenters, such as the Egyptian playwright Leila Soliman, have used theatre as a revolutionary tool that interrogates, scrutinizes, deconstructs, and reflects.



Despatch 9.32.48 AM

Despatch by Angie Farrow published by Steele Roberts

Hannah Danson is a hard-bitten New Zealand war journalist who has already served in Bosnia, Afghanistan and Somalia.  Along with her photographer lover, Richie, she finds herself in a dangerous war zone covering the story of a genocide.  At the heart of the story is a Catholic Nun called Sister Mala and the Sister’s involvement in the genocide drives Hannah into an obsessive quest to discover her whereabouts.  The journey to find the truth takes her from observer/commentator of the war to active participant. Epic, disturbing and unnervingly funny, Despatch examines the relationship between responsibility and matters global importance, forcing us to confront our complicity in events that seem beyond our control.  It is one of several of Angie’s plays that deal with contemporary issues which concern us all.  It was the winner of The Pen is a Mighty Sword International Playwriting Competition run by Virtual Theatre in the USA.

Rowan Gibb’s Biography of Henry Hoyte – An Update

I am continuing with my biography of Melbourne born actor (and crime novelist) “Henry Hoyte” and his three wives, all of whom were on the stage (in England, Australia, New Zealand and America). His first wife, who made her stage debut in Australia in the 1880s and ended her career in a film with Elizabeth Taylor in 1944, was the daughter of one of the brothers who ran Hamilton’s Dioramas in England through the second half of the 19th century, and my next publication will be what amounts to a 400 page footnote on the family and their dioramas, the details of which have hitherto eluded researchers. Another brother, Harry Hamilton, was associated with one of the many “Christy Minstrel” groups who played in Great Britain from 1857 and I am putting together a complete prosopography and itinerary of all these groups and their tours in Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, India and the East Indies.




Waves was Massey University Wellington Campus’ contribution to Climate Change Theatre Action (#‎ClimateChangeTheatreAction), a series of worldwide readings and performances staged in 22 participating countries led from New York by Theatre Without Borders, The Arctic Cycle, and No Passport as part of Artcop21 – the global cultural programme of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change. Waves was the only Climate Change Theatre Action event for New Zealand. Students and staff from Massey’s theatre studies and expressive arts programmes entertained, consoled and confronted their audiences with works humorous and intense, problem-illuminating and solution-focussed, powerful, sometimes funny, sometimes catastrophic, often moving and inspirational. The works included exciting new world premiere short plays from David Geary (, Jacqueline Lawton ( and E.M. Lewis ( Our own English & Media Studies creative communication tutor and NZ playwriting star Phil Braithwaite ( gave a reading from his new work, The Atom Room, plus we launched some brand new talents. See more at:

Two Postgrad Documentary Theatre Projects:

Ending the Silence

Ending the Silence.Flyer
Ending the Silence is a Documentary Theatre project which has been created as part of a Master’s research project at Massey University. For this project, postgrad student Rebekah Hines has explored her German heritage and in particular her great-grandparents experiences during the Second World War which have been somewhat hidden or obscured. The aim of this project is to better understand historical conflicts and how issues of heritage and inheritance have informed Kiwi/German bicultural identity. Ending the Silence also aims to explore how documentary theatre might enable a closer investigation into topics which are regarded taboo and the extent to which theatre can give a voice to those who have been silenced due to the pressures of social constructs regarding German War Guilt. Set around a family table in modern day New Zealand, the play hinges on questions of identity, perceived guilt, and the untold stories of the past. The play will be staged at Massey University, Albany Campus on November 26th and 27th at 7:30pm. Seating is limited and bookings are required.Email for more information.

Barrier Ninja: A verbatim play about hauora by Fran Kewene


This show was developed as the performative component of Fran Kewene’s Masters of Arts, in Theatre Studies at the University of Otago. The question being asked was; ‘how can verbatim theatre be used to document and then represent people’s experiences of hauora?’ Kaupapa Maori has been foundational to the examination, exploration and has guided the re-presentaion of people’s experiences in this solo performance. Barrier Ninja is a verbatim play about hauora based on the personal and professional testimonies of nine Dunedin people. Hauora can be translated as ‘hau’ breath and ‘ora’ life, the breath of life and health. These nine people’s conversations were recorded and then edited to create an audio score. What is unique about this form of verbatim theatre is the way the audio score is played through headphones on an MP3 player and then spoken word-for-word in the performance. This ‘headphone’ technique ensures the actor, Fran Kewene, stays true to the nine people’s vocal inflections and intonations. In rehearsal, the film of the conversations is then studied to inform the body language and gestures for the performance. This ‘headphone’ technique also makes overt the mediation process between the nine participants, the actor, and the audience. A Kaupapa Māori approach underlines the research, editing and production of this play putting Māori experiences and observations of hauora centre stage.

Teaching Positions

Teaching Fellow in Theatre Studies University of Otago

Applications are invited for a full-time, fixed-term Teaching Fellow position in the Theatre Studies programme within the Music Department. The position will run from the 1st of February to the 30th of June 2016. The main tasks of the position involve contributing to the planning and teaching of assigned papers and assessment of students’ work. As the Teaching Fellow, you should be able to teach aspects of research methodology and critical theory (ideally Marxist, Gender and Postcolonial theory, and Carnivale) for a 300-level course, and to deliver most of the curriculum of a core 200-level survey course that comprises theatre history and theory, dramatic criticism and textual analysis. You will also be expected to contribute to teaching elsewhere in the programme, preferably the 400-level Trauma and Violence in Performance paper, covering subjects such as the Eichmann Trial, Butoh and The Grand Guignol, and/or a 300-level and 400-level course on aspects of modern drama. The successful applicant will have a PhD or close to completing a PhD and will be required to show evidence of their ability to teach effectively. View the job description via the University of Otago website:

Specific enquiries may be directed to Hilary Halba, Head of Programme, Theatre Studies, on Tel: 03 479 8925 or via email:

Applications quoting reference number 1501622 will close on Friday, 27 November 2015.




Congrats to Angie

Big congratulations to Angie Farrow, whose full-length play ‘Despatch’ has just been published with Steele Roberts Publishers NZ. Despatch examines the relationship between responsibility and issues of global importance by focusing on an international war correspondent who covers the events of a genocide. The action follows Hannah Danson, an ambitious Kiwi journalist obsessed with pursuing stories to the world’s most dangerous territories. Despatch has been performed both on stage and on radio on RNZ and the BBC.

Angie Farrow



Creative Works from Waves


Philip Braithwaite reading Danny’s Monologue at Waves: Climate Change Theatre Action Aotearoa

If you couldn’t make it to Waves, our fantastic #climatechangetheatreaction event recently, or you were there, loved it and would like to relive those magic moments, we’ll be posting some of the creative writing work here for your reading pleasure.  So no more fear of missing out!

First up, we’re posting Phil Braithwaite’s moving monologue from The Atom Room. Phil, who teaches on our Expressive Arts programme, has won multiple awards including the top playwriting award in New Zealand, and we were honoured to have him share at Waves this sneak preview from his next major work.  Our audience nominated the lines ‘And the rats and stoats’ and ‘I don’t even know who to be angry at any more’ as some of the best lines in the show (along with David Geary’s Al Gore saying ‘I told you so!’)

In The Atom Room, Danny and Sarah are a modern couple. They are living in a long-distance relationship: he is in Wellington, and she is on Mars. But this is a universe where the Earth has been catastrophically damaged by tsunamis and nuclear meltdowns, and the rich elite are moving to outer colonies and Mars.

Sarah is an engineer and scientist in the Mars programme. Danny is on his own on Earth, working for Envirocorp, the only organisation left that looks out for the environment. Every now and then they can meet in The Atom Room: the most advanced virtual avatar programme in the galaxy. In his monologue, Danny is engaged in a series of interviews, trying to talk about the death of his planet, and why he refuses to leave it.

Danny’s monologue from The Atom Room.

Philip Braithwaite

DANNY               I once heard this saying: ‘They were joined at the wound.’ That’s how it was with me and Sarah. Not only that, you know, but we discovered pretty early on that we’d both lost everyone in the deluge. We were both orphans.
Problem is, now the world is crawling with orphans, running around, trying to find a home.
When someone’s about to die, and you know they haven’t got long left, you ignore it. You make excuses.
He came home one day. She knew he’d been sick, but mum just thought it was the weather, it was a cold, it was whatever. He brought home some lemons, a bag of lemons. And she said he couldn’t hold onto the bag. He was so weak he couldn’t even carry a bag of lemons.
They’d be out for their daily walk and he’d say, ‘hold on,’ and he’d have to take some time to get himself together. He’d clutch at a pole or a stairwell or anything that was handy. She said that was all she knew about how sick he was; the rest he kept hidden, beneath that iceberg: the giant was cracking and melting.
The Earth was like that: it cracked open, it split itself down the fault lines. It was sick, its sickness was stabbing our faces, tumbling through us, but we had cars and jobs and families, and we didn’t notice. We lost touch. We walked around in the streets. We didn’t see.
I wasn’t there when the deluge came. We called it the deluge, but you know, that’s only the first act. The fault lines, they opened up through the middle. It’s a good thing space exploration was up and running at the time. It’s good the Russians and Americans kept trying to outdo each other. If you had enough money when the tsunamis and storms came you could get out.
You know how everyone thought it was gonna be nuclear war that ended us? It wasn’t like that. It was so much subtler than that, so much slower. It was just that we weren’t paying attention.
Dad was getting radiation therapy for his cancer at the time. Radiation therapy! All he needed to do was stand outside! Open up his arms and let the sky pour itself inside him. The iceberg, it melted, it flowed into the world. The earthquakes, then the tsunamis. The meltdowns. It’s hard to know whether it went willingly or under duress, whether it gave us a passing thought or whether it was happy to jettison us, so that maybe it could start again.
Nothing much could survive those first few months. But somehow the planet spared me. I was standing on train tracks, the train was coming, and it went right past me.
Actually I was in an office building discussing a document on the preservation of native birdlife against the threat of rats and stoats, and then the tsunami came and washed away the buildings. And the rats and stoats, so that was that problem solved.
We were evacuated and taken to a safehouse. One of the many ironies: because I work for the environment we were able to avoid the extremities that it threw at us. Sit it out.
After that, when the world had shaken us free, we couldn’t cling on anymore; the fault lines, they’d all cracked open; we were walking inbetween, hanging on to the cliff face.
Charitable trusts, church groups, they set up shelters, and gave out free counselling, if you didn’t mind the ministers, the church fathers, even the liberal ones, starting to rabbit on about the end-times and being prepared and all that. If you could put up with that then at least you had someone to talk to and a cup of tea: in that sense they certainly were prepared. The earth is cracking open and you’ve still got your choice of Dilmah special filter, Twinings, Bell, or Rooibos for the more adventurous parishioner.
I never saw it, except I did. It’s worse in your mind. I have this dream, where the storm comes over the horizon, the burning light, and it sort of envelops everyone … then … nothing. I wake up. I wish it was as dramatic as that. It wasn’t like that. I sat it out.
When the atmosphere became unbreathable, we all bought oxygen helmets. Oxygen helmet manufacturers. Advertising! Everywhere!
It seemed like there was this shift, this perceptible change in … I don’t know, agendas. Suddenly the planet was dead, but no-one was telling you about it. The advertising, it washed over you, like that giant iceberg, flooding towards you, without shape, you’re numb to it. It rolls towards you, this giant mass of buy this and go here and do this and everything’s fine. And money and corporations and pop culture and oil and lemons and chemicals, and Hollywood stars and hydrogen bombs. Ads and bad poetry, and sometimes you can’t tell the difference.
But it wasn’t about Earth. It was pointing somewhere else. No-one was talking about Earth. The commercials, they were talking about spreading out, us children, leaving home for the first time, into the stars, it was time, time to make the change, time to cut the apron strings, that’s where we were supposed to be, out there, the exterior of life. When life throws you lemons. That’s where you went if you had the money. That’s where you could feel better. You could pay in instalments. Equity, loans, brokers. Suddenly everyone’s flying to the Moon, to the space stations. They all took off, the governments couldn’t stop them. There was no government, even that was gone. You didn’t even know who to be angry at anymore. You walk through the embers now and all you see is where things used to be. We’re defined by the past tense.
So Sarah went to Mars, to build a new Eden up there, start again. Create opportunities for chain stores and Dilmah tea bags. I stayed here and tried to rebuild the old. But I want to be here. And I’m starting to think, maybe that’s the difference between me and her.
I once said to her, ‘We’re joined at the wound.’ She didn’t like it. She thought it was a weak thing to say. She said I feel sorry for myself, and we have to just get on with it. And I suppose I do feel sorry for myself, but I don’t. I feel sorry for us. ‘Cause it showed us who we really are.

New Postgraduate Paper in Theatre for Innovation

A/P Elspeth Tilley

A/P Elspeth Tilley, paper coordinator

The School of English & Media Studies is launching a new postgraduate communication paper in 2016.

The paper, 139.764 Theatre for Innovation and Communication, is available to students in both the Master of Communication and Bachelor of Communication Honours programmes.

It is an internal, second-semester paper offered at Wellington, and is timetabled on a Tuesday from 4pm to 7pm to enable working professionals to attend in the evening.  Other PG papers in the same programmes are available on Wednesday and Thursday evenings so that professionals studying while working can make up a viable schedule of after-work study on Wellington campus.

Theatre for Innovation and Communication offers an advanced, practical exploration of theatrical improvisation techniques in relation to enhancing creativity, innovation, leadership, teamwork, and communication performance, with an emphasis on the application of theatrical techniques to communication and innovation challenges.

It is designed for those with organisational experience who want to understand how theatre and roleplay can extend their skills as a communicator, manager and team facilitator, or for those with theatre experience who want to move into applying that background to organisational training or communication roles.

In class, students will examine a range of historical and contemporary models for improvisational theatre through reading, seminar discussion and evaluative writing and engage in a range of practical theatre exercises such as spontaneity, story-telling, and character and dramatic narrative development during workshops.  They will also study organisational communication theory and models, particularly evidence-based approaches to non-verbal communication and teamwork.  As part of the final assessment, they will be required to bring these two areas of learning together to research, plan, pitch, deliver and evaluate their own short workshop using theatre and improvisation to offer a communication intervention.

Paper coordinator Associate Professor Elspeth Tilley said the course filled a clear gap in available curricula for postgraduate communication study. “There is growing recognition of the value of creative techniques for improving business and theatre techniques for enhancing communication, but there is nothing like this that brings them together in one integrated learning experience at postgraduate level.”

Dr Tilley has a background as an improviser and theatre practitioner, and has also taught and researched in communication and public relations at advanced levels for more than a decade, meaning she was able to connect up these two areas of expertise in designing the paper. “Organisations have been asking me repeatedly for input on how this is done – with this paper we will be able to upskill a whole new cohort of communication professionals who have evaluated the evidence about creative and improvisational approaches, had practice in designing and delivering workshops, and can go out into industry and start using these techniques effectively to create change in how our organisations innovate and communicate. I’m very excited by the potential for this to lead to significant improvements for New Zealand businesses.”

For more information about the paper, see or contact Dr Tilley on Email: or Phone: + 64 4 9793565