Tag Archives: communication

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Twitter_logo_blueThe School of English & Media Studies has joined Twitter! If you’re an EMS student, graduate or simply interested in creative writing, theatre, English literature, media studies, communication, academic writing and the diverse research associated therewith, and you tweet, please get in touch with us at @SEMSMassey and tell us what you’re up to – we’d love to connect with you.

We’ve also been on Facebook for a while now and you can check us out at https://www.facebook.com/theschoolofenglishandmediastudiesatmassey/

Feel free to tag, message or post/tweet us on either or both if there’s something you’d like to know or something you think we should be sharing on our pages.


Arts on Wednesday, Wellington campus, on April 9th will be full of Improv!

Members of the Wellington Improvisation troupe including from left Darryn Woods, Belle Harrison, Christine Brooks, Ryan Hartigan and Peter Dorn

Members of the Wellington Improvisation troupe including from left Darryn Woods, Belle Harrison, Christine Brooks, Ryan Hartigan and Peter Dorn

Improv show more than just quick laughs

Theatre and comedy act the Wellington Improvisation Troupe headline a free lunchtime show at Massey University’s Wellington campus on April 9 aimed at not just gaining some audience laughs but demonstrating the art of quick thinking too. Members of the public are welcome to see the one-off performance invented on the spot from audience suggestions.

The show, in Massey Wellington’s Theatre Laboratory, is part of the Arts on Wednesday series hosted by the School of English and Media Studies, which brings free performances and artists onto campus on Wednesday lunchtimes.

Organiser, Associate Professor Elspeth Tilley, says Massey’s Bachelor of Communication students are also gaining skills from seeing such theatrical techniques acted out on stage.

“Decisiveness and nimble thinking are particularly crucial skills in today’s fast-moving media and business worlds, which is why our Bachelor of Communication students are learning theatrical improvisation alongside more traditional business communication skills.”

“We are delighted that Wellington Improvisation Troupe has agreed to give a live demonstration of where the students’ work on spontaneity, storytelling and public performance can take them.

“WIT is a world-class improvisation group, and as well as being a lot of fun, their shows embody the kind of rapid problem-solving skills that business leaders are telling us they want in graduates – the ability to think on their feet,” she says.

The series aims to expose students to a diverse range of arts and artists to spark their creativity.

“Students often genuinely can’t afford to see a lot of shows.  We know the value of seeing and hearing a wide range of artists to the development of their aesthetic understanding, so Massey works with both established and emerging artists to bring short free shows onto campus whenever we can,” Dr Tilley says.

“The public are also most welcome to join us for all Arts on Wednesday shows.”