February 10, 2014
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: tārere (tah-rair-rair) or swing
It’s a nice day to take the kids to the park, they love the tārere...Read more
February 4, 2014
The best browsers to use with eTV at the moment are Firefox or Safari. eTV is not compatible with Internet Explorer, and a recent update of Google Chrome has also created problems. If you prefer to use Chrome, here is the advice provided by eTV...Read more
February 3, 2014
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: Rama waka (rah-mah wah-kah) or traffic lights
When the rama waka are broken, the give way rules apply...Read more