Mental Measurements Yearbook on EBSCOhost

March 28, 2014


Mental Measurements Yearbook has recently switched to a new platform. It is now available via EBSCOhost, so looks more like PsycINFO and Discover, which are on the same platform. There is a link on the bottom right of the Psychology Subject Guide, or look under M in Article Databases.

As with the previous version there is a limit of 4 simultaneous users, so if you get a message saying that the “site has reached its maximum license of simultaneous users” then you should try again later, or try going via Discover (see below) which may let you in.

It is also possible to search Mental Measurements Yearbook through Discover, the search box on the Library home page. Just type in the test name, and the Mental Measurements Yearbook result should come up, though it may be hidden among many other article results about the test. To narrow it down, click on Content Provider at the bottom left of Discover, and tick Mental Measurements Yearbook.


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