July 10, 2017
The word this week is: pene (pen-near, say it fast!) pen
Anei tāku pene.
Here’s my pen.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff...Read more
July 3, 2017
The word this week is:kupu tautoko (coo-poo toe-tore-caw) argument for, word qualifier, testimonial
The kupu tautoko for last night’s All Blacks loss, could ( and probably will be) debated hotly in the media, this week.
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June 26, 2017
The word this week is: whakatā (far-car-taa) to relax, take breath, catch breath, take a break.
Kei te whakatā nga tauira, kua mutu mō whakamātautau.
Take a break students, your exams have finished.
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June 19, 2017
The word this week is: whakararu (far-car-ra-roo) (roll your r’s on the ra and roo) – to confuse, disturb, bother!
Kei te whakararu nga tamariki i aku mama!
The children are bothering their mama!
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June 5, 2017
The word this week is : whakaako (far-car-are-core) – teach.
Ka whakaako au i te tuitui ki a koe.
I will teach you to sew.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.
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May 24, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 22-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: hihi (he-he) Stitchbird
Legend has it that the hihi would not collect water for maui, after he had achieved the mammoth task of catching the sun and slowing it down, so he tossed the bird in a...Read more
May 15, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 015-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: kotare (core-tar-rare, another one for practicing the rolling of the r’s) NZ kingfisher
The kotare is a sharp sighted bird who excels at diving. They literally dive-bomb a hole in a clay...Read more
May 8, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 08-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: Kereru (care-rare-roo, roll your r’s like you were born in the deep south) NZ wood pigeon.
Kereru can be sighted occasionally flying through the esplanade in Palmerston North. They are big...Read more
May 1, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 01-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: Riroriro (ree-raw-ree-raw) or Grey Warbler
The riroriro is a tiny bird. They are native to NZ. They can be found in peoples gardens and city parks. It is in their tiny nests that the shining...Read more
April 17, 2017
The word this week is hukarere (who-car-ree-ree) or snow.
“You know nothing Jon Hukarere.”
Kupu o te wiki bought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more