May 8, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 08-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: Kereru (care-rare-roo, roll your r’s like you were born in the deep south) NZ wood pigeon.
Kereru can be sighted occasionally flying through the esplanade in Palmerston North. They are big...Read more
May 1, 2017
Kupu o te wiki 01-Haratua-17
The kupu this week is: Riroriro (ree-raw-ree-raw) or Grey Warbler
The riroriro is a tiny bird. They are native to NZ. They can be found in peoples gardens and city parks. It is in their tiny nests that the shining...Read more
April 3, 2017
The word this week is ngā tarākona (ngaa taa-raa-core-nah) or dragons
Daenerys is the mother of dragons.
Kupu o te wiki bought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
March 30, 2017
The word this week is kiwikiwi (key-wee-key-wee) or grey
A kiwikiwi direwolf on a white field signifies House Stark.
Kupu o te wiki bought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
November 16, 2015
The word this week is: paeāhua (pie-ar-who-r) instagram.
Crafters love showing off their skills on paeāhua.
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March 30, 2015
The word this week is: Aranga (Ah-rung-ah) or Easter.
Cadbury or Nestle – which is your favourite kind of aranga egg?
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
March 16, 2015
The word this week is: Ngutu (Ngoo-too) or lips.
Lip balm is great when your ngutu are dry.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
February 2, 2015
The word this week is: manuhiri (man-noo-hee-ree) or visitor.
The library has a computer available for use by manuhiri.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
December 22, 2014
The word this week is: whakatā (far-car-taah) or rest.
Enjoy your whakatā from work and study – its the holidays!
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
December 15, 2014
The word this week is: kaukau (co-co) or swim.
Cannot wait to hit the beach for a kaukau this weekend!
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more