Kupu o te wiki – 5 Pipiri 2017
June 5, 2017
The word this week is : whakaako (far-car-are-core) – teach. Ka whakaako au i te tuitui ki a koe. I will teach you to sew. Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.  ...Read more
The word this week is: whakatā (far-car-taa) to relax, take breath, catch breath, take a break. Kei te whakatā nga tauira, kua mutu mō whakamātautau. Take a break students, your exams have finished. Kupu o te wiki brought to you by...Read more
The word this week is : whakaako (far-car-are-core) – teach. Ka whakaako au i te tuitui ki a koe. I will teach you to sew. Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.  ...Read more
Kupu o te wiki 015-Haratua-17 The kupu this week is: kotare (core-tar-rare, another one for practicing the rolling of the r’s) NZ kingfisher The kotare is a sharp sighted bird who excels at diving. They literally dive-bomb a hole in a clay...Read more
Kia ora koutou, How did you go with our words in Week 4? This was the last week for this competition so our $20 and $50 book vouchers have been drawn. Please let us know how you found the competition, easy, hard, fun….. Below are the answers...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more
Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word. The competition will run every work day from 4th July until 29th July...Read more