maori kupu kotahi te kupu reo

kupu o te wiki 26/06/17

June 26, 2017

The word this week is: whakatā (far-car-taa) to relax, take breath, catch breath, take a break. Kei te whakatā nga tauira, kua mutu mō whakamātautau. Take a break students, your exams have finished.   Kupu o te wiki brought to you by...Read more

Kupu o te wiki – 5 Pipiri 2017

June 5, 2017

The word this week is : whakaako (far-car-are-core) – teach. Ka whakaako au i te tuitui ki a koe. I will teach you to sew. Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.    ...Read more

Kupu o te wiki 15/5/17

May 15, 2017

Kupu o te wiki 015-Haratua-17 The kupu this week is: kotare (core-tar-rare, another one for practicing the rolling of the r’s) NZ kingfisher The kotare is a sharp sighted bird who excels at diving. They literally dive-bomb a hole in a clay...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu answers – (25-29 July) Week 4

August 1, 2016

Kia ora koutou, How did you go with our words in Week 4? This was the last week for this competition so our $20 and $50 book vouchers have been drawn. Please let us know how you found the competition, easy, hard, fun….. Below are the answers...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu- Week 4 29th July 2016

July 29, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu – Week 4 27th July 2016

July 27, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu – Week 4 26th July 2016

July 26, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu – Week 4 25th July 2016

July 25, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu – Week 3 22nd July 2016

July 22, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

Kotahi te Kupu – Week 3 21st July 2016

July 21, 2016

Kia ora, Welcome to the library’s Māori Language Month Competition. Go in the draw to win book vouchers or just have a load of fun at trying to guess the Māori word.  The competition will run every work day from 4th  July until 29th July...Read more

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