June 26, 2017
The word this week is: whakatā (far-car-taa) to relax, take breath, catch breath, take a break.
Kei te whakatā nga tauira, kua mutu mō whakamātautau.
Take a break students, your exams have finished.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by...Read more
June 19, 2017
The word this week is: whakararu (far-car-ra-roo) (roll your r’s on the ra and roo) – to confuse, disturb, bother!
Kei te whakararu nga tamariki i aku mama!
The children are bothering their mama!
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the...Read more
June 12, 2017
The word this week is : whiri(a) – braid, plait.
I whiria nga makawae o te kotiro e ana mama.
The girl’s hair was braided by her mama.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.
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June 6, 2017
Manawatū researchers, learn more about searching, managing and keeping up to date with the literature; managing your research data; publishing; and measuring your publication impact.
Manawatū Library is running a series of six Researcher...Read more
June 5, 2017
The word this week is : whakaako (far-car-are-core) – teach.
Ka whakaako au i te tuitui ki a koe.
I will teach you to sew.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s maori staff.
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