2024 Read & Publish Open Access Agreements Near Limit

August 28, 2024

Some of the Library’s Read and Publish agreements, which waive the article processing charges (APCs) to publish open access, limit the number of articles published in a year.

The 2024 agreements with Wiley and Springer Nature are capped agreements, i.e. they have an annual allocation for publishing open access articles, rather than unlimited. These caps are predicted to be met before the end of the year. Please see below for guidance to researchers planning to publish:


The CAUL open access publishing agreement with Wiley is predicted to reach its annual article allocation by the end of September. CAUL is taking steps to actively manage the agreement for the rest of 2024. Changes to the open access approval process are outlined below.

Hybrid journals

For the remainder of the 2024 (October – December), open access publishing in Wiley’s hybrid journals will no longer be possible through the CAUL agreement. Authors may choose to either:

  • publish via the subscription route or
  • pay an APC to make their article open access. Eligible authors choosing to pay an APC will receive a 10% discount.

Hybrid journals represent the majority of Wiley’s journals.

Fully open access journals

Open access publishing in Wiley’s fully open access journals will continue to be supported throughout 2024 for articles submitted before 30 September.

Authors who submit articles to Wiley’s fully open access journals after 30 September will need to pay the necessary APCs. A 10% APC discount will be available to eligible authors.

2025 and beyond

The current agreement with Wiley expires on 31 December 2024. Further details about arrangements for 2025 and beyond will be provided soon.

Wiley and Hindawi – Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL – LibGuides at CAUL – Council of Australian University Librarians

Springer Nature

  • Cap is expected to be reached on 14 October (subject to change).
  • After this date, there will be no further article approvals. The cap is finite. If authors wish to publish open access, they will need to pay the APC themselves.
  • Articles are approved on a first come, first served basis in the order they are received to the Springer OA dashboard.
  • Authors who miss out on OA through the CAUL agreement should not wait for the agreement to reset in 2025. Authors should proceed swiftly to publication once their article is accepted.
  • The terms of any future agreement with Springer are still in negotiation.

Springer Nature – Read & Publish Agreements Negotiated by CAUL – LibGuides at CAUL – Council of Australian University Librarians

Please contact your subject librarian if you have any questions about either of these

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