Junior books to Bougainville

June 22, 2022

In 2020/21 the Library’s Junior collections (fiction, nonfiction, picture books) at Auckland and Manawatū were carefully reviewed in consultation with teaching staff. Consideration was given as to how the material supports Massey’s current teaching, learning and research. The review resulted in the withdrawal of older and little used material which was no longer needed. But could new homes be found for these items?

Around this time Massey University subject librarian, Barbara Rainier, took a leave of absence from January 2019 until February 2020 to take on the role of Records Management Mentor with the Directorate of Media and Communication, in Buka, Bougainville, as part of VSA (Volunteer Service Abroad) – New Zealand.

Drawing on that experience, Barbara knew where the withdrawn Junior material could go, where it would be useful and appreciated, and exactly how to get it there. These photos record their progress from Barbara’s garage to the outlying Bougainville islands of Taiof and Saposa. The final photos show the delight of teachers and students who have very little reading material.

Barbara Rainier with the donated books in her garage in Palmerston North
The boxes of books are loaded onto the truck in Palmerston North
Ready to go at the airport
Destination Bougainville and onto a ute
Next stage – loading onto a local boat
Distance delivery has never quite looked like this
The books reach their new homes …
… and their new readers.

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