Kupu o te wiki
November 4, 2013
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: ahurei (are-who-ray) or magnificent The food I got for lunch at the student cafe was ahurei!...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: hīrokiroki (he-raw-key-raw-key) or unsafe Don’t use that ladder its hīrokiroki!...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: ahurei (are-who-ray) or magnificent The food I got for lunch at the student cafe was ahurei!...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: Peita (pay-tah) or paint I love to peita!  ...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: Māharahara (maah-ha-rah-ha-rah) or worry / anxious Even though I study well, I still get a bit māharahara just before my exams...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: awhi (are-fee) or support/help I am going to awhi my sister by going to watch her netball game this weekend...Read more
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff. The word this week is: pūmanawa tautono (pooh-mun-a-wah toe-taw-naw) or ‘app’ / software application Massey University Library’s mobile...Read more