August 11, 2014
The word this week is: Nau mai (No My) or Welcome!
Nau Mai once again to the Library Out Loud blog, we post new Māori kupu (word) each week, feel free to leave us comments, questions or suggestions in the section below.
Kupu o te Wiki brought...Read more
July 14, 2014
The word this week is: Pātai (par-tie) or Question.
Welcome to all our new students, if you have any pātai about our library services – check out the Library website here.
Kupu o te Wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff...Read more
June 23, 2014
The word this week is: Haere mai (high-rair-my) or Welcome.
Haere mai to the Distance students joining us on Campus this week!
Kupu o te Wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff...Read more
February 10, 2014
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: tārere (tah-rair-rair) or swing
It’s a nice day to take the kids to the park, they love the tārere...Read more
January 27, 2014
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: tauera (toe-ear-rah) or towel
Where are all the tauera? We want to go swimming...Read more
January 13, 2014
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: hīrokiroki (he-raw-key-raw-key) or unsafe
Don’t use that ladder its hīrokiroki!...Read more
December 16, 2013
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: Pō mārie (pour-mar-ree-ea) or Goodnight
Pō mārie my friend… Have a good sleep!...Read more
December 2, 2013
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: Ōtautahi (ore-toe-tah-he) or Christchurch
Ōtautahi is the largest city in the South Island of New Zealand...Read more
November 18, 2013
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: hāhi (har-hee) or church
I had a great day with nan at hāhi yesterday...Read more
November 4, 2013
Kupu o te Wiki, or Word of the Week, is brought to you by the Library’s Māori Staff.
The word this week is: ahurei (are-who-ray) or magnificent
The food I got for lunch at the student cafe was ahurei!...Read more