October 29, 2013
This week Librarians Nicola McCarthy, Alison Wallbutton and Bruce White, from Turitea Library, recommend one of their favourite resources…
We recommend Scopus for staff and postgraduate students. We like it because of its very full citation...Read more
October 23, 2013
The Discover search box on the Library home page will change its look on Friday 25 October, and will include a new tab with a Library Catalogue search box. Here’s a preview of how it will look:
The change is in response to feedback from...Read more
October 7, 2013
If you use OR searching in Discover (or other EBSCOhost databases) to look for alternative terms, there are a couple of things you should know…
The OR should always be in capital letters, or your search results will be skewed. For example...Read more
October 7, 2013
Some databases have been affected by the US Government shut-down. The ones we have noticed are ERIC and PubMed, but there may be others. If you encounter this in a database, there should be a message explaining the extent to which it is affected...Read more
October 3, 2013
eTV will be offline and unavailable to all users from Sunday 6 October through to Tuesday 8 October.
If you require a particular video for use on those days please download it in advance.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
 ...Read more
September 19, 2013
Welcome to the first post in our regular series of Librarians’ recommendations, where we let you know some of our favourite resources. This week we have a double-act from Turitea Librarians Lucy Broadbent and Noelene White…
We...Read more
September 16, 2013
2013 Census Usually Resident Population Counts will be released on 15 October 2013.
This release will include Excel tables with usually resident population counts
for 2001, 2006, and 2013 by regional council area, territorial authority area,
and...Read more
September 4, 2013
Massey University Archives have recently added another collection to the Archives Spotlight page. The latest edition focusses on Massey’s student newspaper, Chaff, from 1939 to 1946. These have been digitised and can be viewed online. For any...Read more
August 29, 2013
The Māori Land Court Minute Books at the Albany Campus Library have been re-shelved to the front of the Ngā Kupu Ora collection on Level 3. If you have any questions about the Minute Books or would like to learn more about them contact our...Read more
August 6, 2013
Whether you’re after a documentary for your study, want to take time out for a Rialto movie, or catch up on Shortland Street, you’ll find something on eTV…
Just click on the orange login button at top right and use your Massey ID...Read more