The word this week is: tohu (instruct advise)
Please ask if you need someone to offer tohu.
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Massey University Library will be having a food drive from Monday 13 August to Sunday 26th August 2018.
Just drop off non-perishable food items at your local campus Library. We will take all donations to local food banks.
Traditionally we...Read more
The word this week is: pārunga (upstairs)
You will find the DIY kitchen pārunga. Make your self a hot drink.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: hoa (friend) hore-ah, (say it quickly)
You will meet some lifelong hoa whilst studying at University.
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The word this week is: nohopuku (keep silent) naw-haw-poo-coo
If you are studying on level 3 of the library, please remember to nohopuku.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: pātai (to question, to inquire) par-tie
If you are not sure, remember to pātaitai. We are here to help you so please pātaitai.
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The word this week is: wā akoranga (studytime)
Time to sort out your wā akoranga ready for next weeks start.
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The word this week is: tūmanako (aspiration, hope, objective)
Remind yourself of your tūmanako over the break so you are fired up and ready to go for semester two.
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Matariki Celebration Talk
Haere mai to our Matariki Celebration Talk by Dr Rangi Matamua, on Wednesday 18 July 2018, 12.10pm, at Massey University Library, Palmerston North.
Dr Rangi Matamua (Tūhoe) is the author of Matariki: Te whetū tapu o te...Read more
The word this week is: whakahaere (organize)
Take some time out to whakahaere for next semester.
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