
BreakOut: Scholarships and grants database

January 7, 2015

Do you need money to study, research, or for your professional development? BreakOut database lists over 4000 scholarships, grants, awards, and fellowships for students, researchers, professional and personal development, and people looking for a...Read more

Free Textbooks? Is that even possible??

October 22, 2014

In Open Access Week it seems an appropriate time to consider the cost of textbooks and the impact the open movement might have on the situation. Open Access Textbooks (OATs) and Open Educational Resources (OERs) are gaining attention worldwide as a...Read more

Massey University Library’s New Ebook Policy

September 5, 2014

The Library has this month introduced a policy of ‘ebook preferred’. This means that the first copy of any book will be purchased as an ebook rather than print, if available on a suitable platform, i.e. satisfactory usability, no restrictive...Read more

Free Access to 13 Australian University Libraries “an invaluable tool”

August 25, 2014

  Massey staff and students using BONUS+, the resource-sharing project with selected Australian university libraries, have found it to be a critical tool in their research. “BONUS+ is an invaluable tool for those undertaking academic...Read more

New Massey research on information literacy in New Zealand universities

May 5, 2014

One of the latest additions to Massey Research Online is Angela Feekery’s PhD thesis Conversation and change: integrating information literacy to support learning in the New Zealand tertiary context. This thesis outlines a “project...Read more

Web of Science and Google Scholar

March 25, 2014

You may have noticed new links between Web of Science and Google Scholar in some records. However, MasseyLink should still be the first port of call if you want the best chance of getting to the full text of articles. MasseyLink (which will look at...Read more

What do you think of the Library home page?

March 3, 2014

We’re re-thinking our Library website home page and we’d like to hear what you think about it – what works; what doesn’t work; and what we could improve. Please take 5 minutes to tell us what you think at Library Home Page...Read more

How do I find…?

February 17, 2014

Do you know how to find the information you need for your assignments and research? We have put together a new set of pages that help you with planning your search, and finding books, journal and newspaper articles. How do I find…? takes you...Read more

New look Scopus

February 12, 2014

Scopus has upgraded to a new look this week. All the same functionality is there, with a few extras. Please contact us if you have any queries...Read more

Web of Science Changes

January 10, 2014

Keep an eye out for changes in Web of Science during the week of 13 January. The look and feel of the database will be improving, and the collection of databases on that platform will be known as Web of Science rather than the previous Web of...Read more

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