
Library client satisfaction survey feedback

March 19, 2013

You said we have great staff, but aren’t doing so well on facilities and equipment. What are we doing about it? Last year we carried out a client satisfaction survey asking you what you thought of the Library. Around 2500 students and staff...Read more

New Artwork: Mai Miria Te Kakara Ki Whitireia

March 14, 2013

Turitea Library has a stunning new artwork,  Mai Miria Te Kakara ki Whitireia by Pita Takuta Jaxon Savage (Ngati Raukawa, Ngai Tuhoe, Ngati Pikiao, Te Whanau-a-Apanui), Bachelor of Māori Visual Arts student, School of Māori Studies, Massey...Read more

Some Library electronic resources unavailable 8-9 January

January 7, 2013

Due to essential work on the Library catalogue, many online journals, ebooks and other resources will disappear from the catalogue late afternoon of  Tuesday, 8 January and will not return until the afternoon of Wednesday, 9 January.  As the...Read more

Christmas Requests & Deliveries for Distance Students

December 17, 2012

Distance students, please have your requests in by Wednesday 19 December. The Library closes on 21 December but CourierPost drivers will deliver on Saturday and up to 24 December. They will also deliver on 27 and 28 December...Read more

Turitea Library Cafe Closes For Summer

November 13, 2012

The Turitea Library Cafe will close on Thursday 15 November at 1 pm for the summer. It will re-open on 14 February, 2013. The Student Centre Food Hall will remain open over summer, except for 22 December – 3 January.   ...Read more

New Printers/Copiers/Scanners

November 13, 2012

The University is now rolling out new Multi Function Devices (MFDs) in all Campus Libraries and other university departments for printing, copying and scanning. Expect to see these in the libraries in the next couple of weeks. One exciting new...Read more

Albany Recycling Trial Extended

October 29, 2012

The trial of the coloured recycling bins on Level 3 at Albany Library has been so successful that it has now been rolled out to the whole building. 111 individual bins throughout the library have been reduced to 32 stations under the new...Read more

Turitea Gets Snacks!

October 26, 2012

And now to the important stuff… Turitea Library finally has snacks for all you devoted after-hours studiers! Check it out at Level 1 of the main stairwell. ...Read more

Te Reo on the Library Home Page

October 24, 2012

Have you spotted the latest addition to the Library home page? We’ve recently added Māori translations to the main headings: ...Read more

Turitea Moving Stopped During Exams

October 12, 2012

The noisy work of moving books around at Turitea Library, in preparation for Hokowhitu Library joining us, is being stopped from now until the end of the exam period. We’ve also added some extra study desks for exam time...Read more

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