
Factiva, new and improved!

September 4, 2024

If you’ve used Factiva this week, you’ll have noticed that their interface has changed. If you’re not a Factiva user, this interface change could make this database more interesting! In my opinion, it’s much more user friendly and a...Read more

Creating multimedia with AI tools – tutorial review

July 15, 2024

Web tutorial: Creating multimedia with AI tools, from University of Arizona Libraries. Review by Katherine Chisholm, Business Librarian, and NJ Jayne, CoCA/Business Librarian. This is a fun introduction to AI for newbies! From showing how...Read more

Literature mapping on steroids

May 1, 2024

AI has put literature mapping on steroids, making it easier for you to find connected research. Literature mapping tools utilise artificial intelligence to enable users to explore and discover connections between peer reviewed articles on a...Read more

Te Reo Māori Zines

September 8, 2023

We’ve made some zines to celebrate Te wiki o te reo Māori, and have everything here you need to make them too! Te reo Māori zines These zines are a great way to learn a bit more te reo Māori, cook some delicious kai, keep as a taonga...Read more

Exam papers

June 26, 2023

For many years the Library has provided access to previous exam papers to assist students with study and exam preparation.  These are becoming increasingly unavailable due to the move to online exams and other forms of assessment. As a result...Read more

Junior books to Bougainville

June 22, 2022

In 2020/21 the Library’s Junior collections (fiction, nonfiction, picture books) at Auckland and Manawatū were carefully reviewed in consultation with teaching staff. Consideration was given as to how the material supports Massey’s current...Read more

Insync survey now closed

August 17, 2021

We are running the Insync survey to get an understanding of what is important to you and how we are performing in these areas. They survey has now closed. Thank you to those who have taken part. We will be getting back to you with the...Read more

Online magazines and newspapers at Library.PressDisplay

April 3, 2020

Library.PressDisplay is a rolling 60-day archive of magazines and newspapers from New Zealand and around the world. They appear as the originals did in print, rather than being re-formatted for the web. Please note: the number of simultaneous...Read more


May 14, 2019

Kia ora! Haere mai! Welcome to the fifth podcast in the series, SOAP (Scholarly and Open Access Publishing). This series is part of Massey University’s offering leading up to and beyond Open Access Week (22-28 October 2018) #OAWeek2018 ...Read more

Kupu o te wiki 24/12/2018

December 24, 2018

The word this week is: Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas) Have a safe and Meri Kirihimete Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more

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