
AI has put literature mapping on steroids, making it easier for you to find connected research. Literature mapping tools utilise artificial intelligence to enable users to explore and discover connections between peer reviewed articles on a research topic, based on citation networks and/or similarity. Subject librarians have been exploring these mapping tools to find out how they work, and their pros and cons. And how well they work with New Zealand and Māori topics, plus Massey’s research disciplines. This will depend on the discipline, and the research area so your mileage will vary! We didn’t think they were great for Creative Arts but in most other areas worked well. There are many tools already available, including...Read more

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Library video guides UX  

December 5, 2023

The results are in from the user experience (UX) of our video guides held on all three Massey campuses.   The purpose of the UX was to find out if the 10 Library video guides on our website are fit for purpose. We interviewed 15...Read more

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Student in book shelves at Manawatū Library. (Photo by Mark Tantrum/ Some compulsory textbooks are available from the Library, but these are in very high demand so we strongly recommend you have your own copy if you need...Read more

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Booking rooms for exams

October 20, 2023

Booking rooms for sitting exams If you need to book a room to sit an exam, contact us on or phone 0800 4 MU LIB, and say which campus you are wanting to book at. Please do not use the room booking system to book exam...Read more

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This week we’re celebrating International Open Access Week!  The theme for 2023 is Community Over Commercialisation. Find out how open access can benefit you… Massey Research Online Massey Research Online (MRO) is...Read more

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Te Reo Māori Zines

September 8, 2023

We’ve made some zines to celebrate Te wiki o te reo Māori, and have everything here you need to make them too! Te reo Māori zines These zines are a great way to learn a bit more te reo Māori, cook some delicious kai, keep as a taonga...Read more

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Exam papers

June 26, 2023

For many years the Library has provided access to previous exam papers to assist students with study and exam preparation.  These are becoming increasingly unavailable due to the move to online exams and other forms of assessment. As a result...Read more


There are a few ways to save items you find in Discover so you can use them later. Note that it doesn’t work to leave them open in a tab or to bookmark/save the URL in the address bar – both of these time out and you won’t be...Read more

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5 reasons to have an ORCID Why should Massey researchers have an ORCID? View the video 5 reasons to have an ORCID ID or read on… An ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, is a unique identifier that...Read more

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The Wellington Campus library has moved to temporary premises to allow for the completion of window replacement and seismic strengthening of Block 5. The temporary space selected was Block 5, Level F (5F) an earlier recipient of the...Read more

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