June 21, 2019
Kia ora! Haere mai!
Welcome to the sixth podcast in the series, SOAP (Scholarly and Open Access Publishing). This series is part of Massey University’s offering leading on Open Access
Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash
Podcast #6 Mandates...Read more
May 14, 2019
Kia ora! Haere mai!
Welcome to the fifth podcast in the series, SOAP (Scholarly and Open Access Publishing). This series is part of Massey University’s offering leading up to and beyond Open Access Week (22-28 October 2018) #OAWeek2018
...Read more
October 1, 2018
Kia ora! Haere mai!
Welcome back to the second podcast in the series, SOAP (Scholarly and Open Access Publishing). This series is part of Massey University’s offering leading up to (and likely beyond) Open Access Week (22-28 October 2018)...Read more
August 31, 2017
If you talk about Open Access to most university staff – teachers, researchers, students, librarians – they automatically think of OA journals with articles available without cost to the whole world, or of subscription-funded...Read more
August 14, 2017
During the next two weeks (14th– 25th August) we are seeking information about our free BONUS+ service and would appreciate it if you could fill out our questionnaire. If you are a distance student the questionnaire will be posted to you with...Read more
May 5, 2015
Craig Cherrie, Creative Arts & Industries Librarian at the Wellington Campus, reflects on the changes to the Wellington Campus Library:
Half-a-semester on from the occupation of the full space of the ‘new’ Wellington Library, its timely...Read more
November 14, 2013
I was asked last week to help a member of the Massey academic staff who had found that she appeared on the website of a journal that she had never heard of, listed as its Editor-in-Chief. Closer examination revealed that another Massey academic was...Read more
September 13, 2013
I’m a fan of Google Scholar, no doubt about it. From a practical point of view you can’t go past it as a tool for finding documents by subject and, much as I prize and value our databases, if you restrict your searching to the traditional...Read more
September 6, 2013
You can tell that an idea has become really well-known when senior management hears about it, and a few years ago I began receiving phone calls from heads of department along the lines of “I’m carrying out staff evaluations and suddenly people...Read more
September 4, 2013
The sad business of the American Academic and Scholarly Research Journal has come to a rather unexpected end. The journal is no more, having disappeared from the web along with its associated Research Center, and all record of it has disappeared...Read more