A few minutes editing a Wikipedia page can expose your research to hundreds or thousands of views a day, and potentially double the readership of your publication, according to NZ Wikipedian-at-Large Dr Mike Dickison who visited Massey University recently, hosted by Research & Enterprise and the Library.
Some of the highlights from his presentations are particularly relevant to researchers.
Wikipedia articles appear at the top of Google results, often with a preview in the sidebar. It’s the fifth most visited website in the world, with 70 million visitors a day. Everyone uses it and anyone can edit it. So why wouldn’t you put your own research there to reach a wider audience?
For effort vs. impact, Dr Dickison says...Read more
New Zealand’s Wikipedian at Large*, Dr Mike Dickison is visiting the Manawatū campus to give talks on why and how you can engage with Wikipedia.
“How Wiki Works” is open to all (Tue 19th March 12.10pm SSLB3)
Everybody uses Wikipedia...Read more
Discover, our main search tool, has a new set of limits which allows you to:
exclude articles – so you’ll get mostly print and ebooks (the equivalent to the old catalogue search, for those who used this a few years ago)
view just the...Read more
The latest version of EndNote is now available for PCs, free for Massey staff and students to download via our EndNote page.
We recommend all current users should move to the new version to take advantage of major improvements in stability...Read more
The word this week is: piupiu (pew-pew) a waist-to-knee garment made of flax
The goup had piupiu made for the bi-annual event.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: Meri Kirihimete (Merry Christmas)
Have a safe and Meri Kirihimete
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: Raumati (Summer)
Have a great Raumati!
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: tātahi (beach)
Lets go to the tātahi.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: haratei (holiday)
Enjoy your haratei.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more
The word this week is: tiripapā (firework/cracker).
Be safe and have great fun with you tiripapā this year.
Kupu o te wiki brought to you by the Library’s Māori staff...Read more